Clarke-Dekalb County GaArchives Biographies.....Gordon, Hugh Haralson (Jr.) 1880 - living in 1923 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher April 2, 2005, 4:55 pm Author: H. J. Rowe HUGH HARALSON GORDON, JR. Hugh Haralson Gordon, Jr., president of the Commercial Bank of Athens, Ga., was born in Kirkwood, DeKalb County, Georgia, February 28, 1880, son of Hugh H. Gordon and Caroline (Williams) Gordon. He was educated at the Georgia Military Institute, the Georgia School of Technology, and the University of Georgia. While in college he became a member of the Chi Phi fraternity. He made both football and baseball teams at the University and also played on the Georgia Tech football team in 1897. When the Spanish-American war came, he went into service with the 2nd Georgia regiment and was subsequently transferred first to General Schafter's headquarters and later to the headquarters of General Coppinger. Mr. Gordon's business career began in 1901, when after leaving the University he became assistant superintendent of the fertilizer plant of the Empire State Chemical Co., of Athens. In 1906, he went on the road as salesman for the same company, and in 1911, he went -back to the manufacturing end of the business as superintendent of one of the company's plants. In 1914, he left the fertilizer business to accept the presidency of the Commercial Bank of Athens. When Mr. Gordon accepted the presidency of the Commercial Bank it was a small institution of $50,000.00 capital and had deposits of only about $60,000.00. Under his administration the bank has grown remarkably, now having a capital of $200,000.OO, with over $100,000.00 surplus and profits, and with deposits of approximately $l,OOO,000.00. The Commercial Bank has made quite a reputation for square and liberal dealing and the banking public has come to know that this bank never takes advantage of a customer's financial embarrassment to drive hard bargains or charge interest that is unfair. If a poor man is worthy of credit, he gets the same consideration at the hands of the Commercial Bank that would be accorded to the richest man in Athens. This policy is making Mr. Gordon's bank a power in this section. During his rapid rise in the business world, Mr. Gordon has given generously of his time and ability to public service. He was a member of the city council of Athens in 1915, and was responsible for the installation of civil service in the municipal affairs of Athens, being for two years chairman of the Civil .Service Commission. In 1921, he became trustee of the North Georgia Agricultural and Mechanical College. Mr. Gordon is a member of the Rotary Club of Athens, representing the banking interests of the city in that club. In 1906, Mr. Gordon was married to Nannette Hodgson, daughter of Edward R. Hodgson, of Athens. They have four sons. Their home address is 1045 Prince Avenue, Athens, Ga. Additional Comments: From: HISTORY OF ATHENS and CLARKE COUNTY 1923 H. J. ROWE, Publisher THE McGREGOR CO., PRINTERS, ATHENS, GA. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb