Clarke County GaArchives Deed.....Gann, John Et Al - Elder, Howard (Estate) 1838 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Wesley Gann February 19, 2007, 4:33 pm Deed Book Written: 1838 Howell Elder Estate by Administrator To John Gann et al June 7, 1838 Book Q, page 296 Clarke County, GA Georgia Clarke County, This indenture made this seventh day of June, Eighteen Hundred and Thirty Eight between John H. (Lowe?) Senior Administrator of Howell Elder late of Coweta County, deceased of the first part and Francis Stephens, Johnathan Harper Stephens and Thomas Henry Stephens orphans of John F Stephens deceased and Mariah Harper, Susannah Harper, Polly Shaw, Nancy Alexander, Joshua Stephens, Harris Stephens, David Stephens, ? Stephens, Henry Thomas Stephens, and Henry Gann son of John Gann and Sarah C. Gann decd. daughter of David Stephens deceased of the second part. Witneseth that the said Howell Elder in his life time for and in consideration of the sum of Four Hundred Fifty Dollars made and executed his bond with to one William Appling per titles to date. Number Sixty Eight (68) and eighty nine (89) in the town of Watkinsville Clarke County and also for the land adjoining said lots and bounded by Wm. Murray and Robert R. Harden containing six acres more or less and said bond being legally transferred to David Stephens deceased that of Clarke County, and when as the honorable Inferior Court of said county selling for ordinary purposes granted a note absolute ordering the said John H. (Lowe?) Senr Adm as aforesaid to execute or title to said lots and adjoining land to the twin element of the said David Stephens deceased. – ? the said John H (Lowe?) Adm. As aforesaid of the first part, in consideration of the aforesaid provided and according to the law in such cases does hereby grant bargain sell and convey unto the said parties of the second part heirs general of the said David Stephens deceased all and singular the aforesaid lots and parcels of land together with all the appurtenances thereof To have and to hold the aforesaid lots and parcels of land to the said parties of the second part to be held by them per (?) and not per capita to them and their heirs forever in fee simple. And the said John H (Lowe?) administrator of the said Howell Elder decd doth hereby warrant and defend forever the right and title to the aforesaid lots and parcel of land to the aforesaid parties of the second part, their heirs and assign- In witness thereof the said John H (Lowe?) Adm aforesaid hath ? set his hand and affixed his Seal this the day and year above written... The name of Frances Stephens ? before ? Signed Sealed and Delivered In Presence of ? Conner, John Calvin Joh?, Green (?) Haygood Not. Pub. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb