Clarke County GaArchives Deed.....Gann, John - Hopkins, John 1804 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Wesley Gann February 19, 2007, 4:41 pm Deed Book Written: 1804 John Hopkins by Atty In Fact et al To John Gann December 14, 1804 Book B, pgs. 317-319 Clarke County, GA This indenture made this fourteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and four between Joseph Lane Sheriff of the county of Clarke in the state of Georgia of the one part and John Gann of the county and state aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that whereas a tract of land containing four thousand acres lying and being on Barbers Creek in the county aforesaid formerly (Jackson crossed out) Franklin County granted to Horatio Marbury was levied on by said sheriff by virtue of an execution of Scire Facias of descd out of the superior court out of the county of Columbia and dated the twenty sixth day of July eighteen hundred and two founded on a Judgement obtained in said court on the 12th September 1792 at the instance of Benjamin _______ John Cobb and John Hargrove which execution was afterwards to wit on the 31st July 1802 by the said Benjamin _________ assigned and transferred to Thomas Cobb Sen for a valuable consideration on the said tract of land being it levied on as aforesaid as the property of the defendants in the said execution and after been duly advertised was on the first tuesday of this month __________ December at the courthouse in the county of Clark aforesaid exposed to publick sale and was fairly knocked off to John Hopkins who was the highest bidder for the sum of thirty dollars the part of the said tract of land accepted and claimed by General David Merriweather being excepted out of said sale and whereas the said John Hopkins the highest bidder and purchaser of the said tract of land so mentioned executed on the property of John Cobb aforesaid having by his written order dated the 11th December 1804 authorizing the sheriff aforesaid to make Titles to the formal occupiers and claimants of the several farms or plantations on said four thousand acre tract of land at my descretion Now Know Ye that I Joseph Lane the sheriff of the county of Clarke aforesaid by the powers in me vested by law as sheriff of said county and being authorised by the written order aforesaid and also in consideration of the sum of five dollars and fifty cents to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do bargain sell align ? and confirm and by these presents have bargained sold aligned ?ed and confirmed unto said John Gann the following tract or parcel of land being a part of said tract of land so sold by public sale as aforesaid to wit beginning at a hickory corner on Nathan Gann bearing S 48 W 33 chains 50 links to a chestnut on Bailey land thence N 65 W 33 chains 50 links to a red oak adjoining ___________ line Thence __ north 33 chains 40 links to a pine adjoining William Shaw thence S 74 E 66 chains 25 links to the beginning corner containing one hundred nineteen acres of land together with all and singular the rights and appurtenance to the fore mentioned tract belonging as or any wise appertaining to have and End Document File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb