CLARKE COUNTY, GA - DEEDS Pound, Richard Pound to Travis George 1805 Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sara Rollins Georgia Table of Contents: Clarke Co., Land Records page 121 Know all men by their presents that I Richard Pounds of Clarke County and the State of Georgia hath bargain and sold unto Travis George of the same State and County of Oglethorpe Two hundred acres of land lying and bounding Robertsons Creek Beginning at a Hickery Corner? and is to run Roberts line and then to extend to he meats Bayley Georges line and then to run Baileys line to A -------- the out boundry line running round to the beginning corner which land is to conclude The land and emprovements where on the said Pounds line to be delivered to the said Travis George against the 25th of Next December Including two hundred acres for which land the said George pays him three hundred dollars in hand paid and the remainder at the delivery of the land therefore for the sum of money in hand paid I bind myself my heirs executors administrators and asigns to warrent and defend to said Travis George his heirs executors administrators the said Two hundred acres of land granted by Thomas Walton. Signed Richard Pounds This 25th day of March 1805 Test Samuel M. Clelin? Baily George page 122 Georgia Clarke County Bailey George came before me and made oath that he saw Richard Pounds sign and deliver the within instrument of writing for the property therein mentioned that he signed the same as a witness at the same time and saw Samuel Mc?Clelen sign the same as a witness thereto Bailey George Sworn to & subscribed before me this 4 May 1812 George Y. Harmon? JP Recorded the 4th day of June 1812