CLARKE COUNTY, GA - DEEDS RANDOLPH and LOUISA TOWNS to JAMES H. AND ROBERT C. TOWNS, Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Jimmie Boyett Georgia Table of Contents: CLARKE COUNTY, GA DEED BOOK BB, PAGE 420 RANDOLPH and LOUISA TOWNS to JAMES H. AND ROBERT C. TOWNS, January 1, 1879 SURNAMES: Towns, Watson, Pittard, Tuck State of Georgia Clarke County This Indenture made this the first day of January in the Year of Our Lord Eighteen hundred and Seventy nine between Randolph Towns & his wife Louisa Towns of the said State & County of the one part, and James H. Towns and Robert C. Towns, son of the said Randolph & his wife Louisa Towns of the same place of the other part, Witnesseth, that the said Randolph Towns & his wife Louisa Towns, for & in consideration of the natural love and affection which they have and bear to their said sons James H. Towns & Robert C. Towns, have given granted conveyed and conferred and delivered, and do by these present, give grant, confirm and deliver unto the said James H. Towns & Robert C. Towns their heirs and assigns, all that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the State and county aforesaid having such form and shape as will be shown by the plat containing ninety (94) four acres be the same more or less. Beginning at a rock about fifty feet from where the Athens & Beaverdam wagon road crosses the Athens branch of the Georgia Rail Road. & running along said wagon road to Marian Watson's line, first part of the line running North Eighty degrees, west seven chs. thence the second part of said line running South Seventy five & one half degrees, West Eleven chs. to Main Watsons line, thence South Eight degrees, West thirty five chs. & twenty links to a pine corner, thence South Forty seven & one half degrees, East fifteen chains & fifty links to a ____ ____ corner, thence north thirty one & a half degrees East, thirty six chains & 50 links to a rock corner, thence North forty six & one quarter degrees west, ten chains to a rock corner, thence North thirty two and one half degrees each, six chains to a rock, thence to the beginning corner. To have and to hold said tract of land unto the said James H. Towns & Robt C. Towns, their heirs and assigns, together with all and singular the rights members & appurtenances to the same in any manner belonging to their own proper use benefit and behoof forever in Fee Simple. In witness whereof the said Randolph Towns & his wife Louisa Towns have hereto set their hands & affixed their seal the day and year first above written. Signed sealed and R. Towns [LS] delivered in presence of Louisa x her mark Towns [LS] Isham H. Pittard W. J. Tuck, NP & Ex OJP Recorded May 8th 1879