Clarke County Georgia Deed David C. Barrow CSA Pardon File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Laura Stotler Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: The attached file is a transcription of the request for a presidential pardon for David C. Barrow, a former Confederate who resided in Clarke Co., GA. Please post on GAGenWeb. David C. Barrow, Former Confederate Application for Presidential Pardon, Clarke Co. GA File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Laura Stotler. Source: Applications from Former Confederates for Presidential Pardons (Amnesty Papers) (National Archives Microcopy M1003, Roll 16) Athens, GA 31 July 1865 To His Excellency Andrew Johnson, President of the U. S., Washington City I David C. Barrow aged fifty years of the County of Clarke, State of Georgia respectfully present this application for pardon under your amnesty proclamation of the 29th May 1865. I am excluded from the benefit of the proclamation by the thirteenth exception, as my taxable property might be estimated above twenty thousand dollars though it would not sell for that amount in market. I do not come under any of the other exceptions of your proclamation. I have held no office civil or military during the war and have not now and never had any property of the Confederate government in my possession. I supported the Confederate government to the extent that I was called upon, and was among the number who favored secession. Upon the surrender of General Lee and Johnson I regarded the contest at an end-and have from that hour favored an unconditional submission to the authority of the united states government. As soon as the opportunity was afforded, I took the oath of amnesty prescribed by President Lincoln's proclamation which was about the 29th of May 1865, being informed that I would be required to take the oath again under your proclamation. I have done so and it accompanies this application. I would state further that as a planter, I have notified my former slaves of their freedom and have made written contacts with them, which contracts have been submitted to and approved by the Provost Marshall of the county of my residence. No proceeding has been instituted against me or my property at the instance of the united states. The oaths which I have taken and which it is my intention in good faith to keep are the best assurances I can offer of my future course & conduct. I am respectfully-Your servant- David C. Barrow (Signature) State of Georgia } County of Richmond } This day personally appeared before me the undersigned a Major in this S. Division in and for this County and State above said, the above named owner and subscribed and made oath to the foregoing petition. Robt. B. Chappell May 18th (Signature) Asst. Pro. Marshall Gen of GA United States of America I David C. Barrow of the County of Clarke State of Georgia do solemnly swear or affirm, in presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the Union of the States thereunder; and that I will, in like manner, abide by and faithfully support all laws and proclamations which have been made during the existing Rebellion with reference to the emancipation of slaves: So help me God. David C. Barrow (Signature) Subscribed and Sworn to before me at Augusta, GA this 31st day of July 1865.} Robt. B. Chappell Asst Pro Marshall, Gen, GA. The above named has sandy complexion, gray hair, and blue eyes; and is five feet 10 3/4 inches high. Head Quarters Department of Georgia. Office Provost Marshal General Augusta, GA July 31 1865 David C. Barrow Clarke County, GA Respectfully asks for special pardon under exemptions Art. 13 of President Johnson's Proclamation. ------------ ---Head Quarters Department of Georgia, Office Provost Marshal General Augusta, GA July 31 1865 Respectfully referred to His Excellency James Johnson, Governor of the State of Georgia, for investigation and report as to the merits of the within case, and for his recommendation as to final action. These papers to be returned with the report and recommendation. By command of Maj. Gen. James B. Steedman Robt. B. Chappell (Signature), Maj. 18th O.V.I., & Ass't. Pro. Mar. Gen., D.G. -------------- Head Quarters Department of Georgia Augusta, GA Sept 11 1865 Respectfully forwarded to the Attorney General U.S., at Washington City. James R. Steedman (Signature), Maj. Gen'l, Commd'g. Dep't. Ga. (Handwritten) Executives Office, Provisional Govt. of Georgia, Milledgeville, Sept 1, 1865- Respectfully returned to Major Genl. Jas. B. Steedman. The applicant is a conscientious and substantial citizen, and I solicit for him the Amnesty desired, satisfied he will prove a reliable, loyal and useful citizen. J. Johnson, Gov of GA (Signature) ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ==============