Clay County GaArchives Church Records.....Enterprise Baptist Church ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Donna Eldridge June 25, 2004, 1:12 pm ENTERPRISE BAPTIST CHURCH Enterprise Baptist Church located six miles west of Edison, on the Edison and Fort Gaines Highway, was constituted in the year 1879 with the following as Charter Members: Rev. J. S. Parker and wife, D. W. Hammack and wife, Wesley Rish and wife, B. B. Smith and wife, W. W. McKinnon and Miss Martha McKinnon. This Church was represented in the Bethel Baptist Association for the first time, according to the Minutes, in the year 1880. Rev. J. S. Parker was the first Pastor of the Church, and served from its constitution in 1879 until his death, which occurred in August 1882. The first Deacons were Wesley Rish and W. W. Wells, and the first Clerk was D. W. Hammack. Rev. H. R. McLendon was Pastor of the Church from August to October, 1882, at which time he resigned to attend school at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville, Ky. Upon his resignation, "Uncle" Thomas Muse was called and served the Church until October, 1886. In September, 1883, the Church elected D. W. Hammack and Mack Etheridge as Deacons, and U. S. Fellows as Clerk. In October 1886 Rev. H. R. McLendon was re-elected as Pastor and served in this capacity until October 1889, at which time Rev. J. H. Corley was called to serve the Church as Pastor. On November 21st, 1885 W. W. McKinnon was elected Clerk of the Church, and served until October 1891, at which time W. B. Brooks was elected Clerk. Bro. J. H. Corley served the Church as Pastor until October 1891, at which time Rev. Wm. Howell was called and served the Church for two years. In October 1893, Rev. John Martin was called to the Pastorate and served the Church for two years. October 1895 Rev. J. E. Dykes was called as Pastor, and served the Church for eleven years. Bro. W. B. Brooks was Clerk of the Church for seven years, at which time E. W. Richardson was elected and served for two years, or until October 1900, A. H. Richardson was elected as Clerk to succeed E. W. Richardson. In 1914 L. S. Smith was elected Clerk. October 1906, Rev. J. A. Rooks was called to the Pastorate and served for one year. He was succeeded by Rev. R. C. Pool who served for two years, and then Rev. C. J. White was called and served until October 1911. Following Rev. M. White, Rev. N. G. Christopher was called as Pastor and served until October 1915. After Bro. Christopher's resignation, the Church was without a Pastor for more than a year, when Rev. M. D. Reed, a student at Mercer University was called and served for a year. Rev. J. R. Griffith was then called as Pastor in the latter part of 1918, and served for three years. E. P. McKinnon followed L. S. Smith as Clerk October 1916 and served for several years. During this period Rev. J. C. Moore was Pastor for one year, Rev. R. E. Zachert for three years and Rev. W. E. Waterhouse for one year. In October 1927 Rev. P. E. Lester was called as Pastor and has served the church until the present time (Summer of 1932). Following E. P. McKinnon, D. G. Sanderlin was elected Clerk and served for two years, 1925 - 1926. Between E. P. McKinnon and L. G. Sanderlin, however, H. M. Richards had served as Clerk for one year, 1924. In 1927 Wesley Richardson was clerk, followed by K. N. Sanders who has served until the present time. The present Board of Deacons is as follows: R. G. Smith, Chairman, J. H. T. McKinnon, C. B. McKinnon, R. H. Lee and G. W. Bruner. The Church was first constituted about 400 yards west of the spot where the present building stands in what was known as the Enterprise School house, and held services in this house until 1884 when the first house was built on the present site. In 1911 the first Church house was sold to W. H. Rish, and the present building was erected. In 1906 the Church reported a Sunday School, which has continued to function to the present time. In 1910 a Womens' Missionary Society was reported, and this also continues to function. Soon after its organization, The W.M.S. reported a Girl's Auxiliary and Royal Ambassadors. In 1917 a Baptist Young Peoples' Union was organized by Rev. H. N. Massey of Fort Gaines, and has continued to function. In 1918 the Sunday School was graded on an age basis and so continues. The Enterprise Church is Missionary in spirit and in practice. The Association met with this Church at its regular session in 1911. (pages 193-194) "History of Bethel Association - Including Centennial Meeting" Centennial meeting held with Baptist church at Edison, Georgia, October 25, 26, 27, 1932 A. L. Miller, Edison, Ga., Moderator. W. H. Joyner, Coleman, Ga., Clerk Compiled and Edited by Alexander Lee Miller Moderator of Association 1909 -- 1934 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.4 Kb