Clayton-Carroll-Heard County GaArchives News.....GEORGIA NEWS IN BRIEF, ITEMS OF INTEREST GATHERED AT RANDOM FROM ALL OVER THE STATE October 6, 1892 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Phyllis Thompson October 1, 2007, 6:57 pm The Georgia Enterprise October 6, 1892 A Remarkable Family Gathering A noted reunion of a noted family was held at “The Rock,” a Church seven miles north of Jonesboro a few days ago. It was the first reunion of the ADAMSON family, which is one of the oldest and best families of Clayton County. Greenberry ADAMSON and his six sons, viz.: John Coats, William Coats, A. Y. George, James and Nathaniel Coats ADAMSON settled in Clayton County in 1823, and their descendants today number a little over eight hundred. The father and five of the sons have passed into another land; only one uncle, Nat ADAMSON remaining. The meeting was not a family reunion, but was the celebration of the golden wedding of Uncle Nat and his faithful wife, and also it was the one hundredth anniversary of Greenberry ADAMSON’S marriage. Of the 800 descendants of this noted family, 115 bearing the name of ADAMSON live in Clayton County, and many live in Carroll, Heard, Fulton and Bibb Counties and many have cast their fortunes in the far away west. In the proceedings of the day the genealogy of the family was traced back for 200 years, and for the first time many of the young ones of the family learned from what it came. Speeches were made by Judge W. C. ADAMSON, of Carrolton; Colonel G. R. ADAMSON, of Bowden, and many other members of the family. At noon a bounteous dinner was spread, and in the afternoon other speeches were made by the little folks and essays were read by young ladies, and when 3 o’clock came the choir sang “ God Be with You Till We Meet Again,” and the great crowd present gave the parting hand to Mr. Nat ADAMSON, his good wife and other aged members of the ADAMSON family. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb