Cobb County Georgia Obit Reverend William E. McCollum File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by "Wally McCollum" Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: The following article about the death and funeral of the Reverend William E. McCollum was carried on the front page of the March 18, 1921 edition of the Cobb County Times. THOUSANDS MOURN W.E. M’COLLUM Popular Baptist Preacher Dies; Thousands are at His Funeral The Rev. W.E. McCollum, of Mt. Olivet, died Tuesday after a short illness and was buried Wednesday at Kennesaw. Mr. McCollum was one of the most loved preachers in the county and had served four Baptist churches in the county before his death. It is estimated that about two thousand persons attended his funeral at Kennesaw. He is survived by his wife and several children. From Olive Springs correspondence - - A feeling of sadness spread over our community on Tuesday by the death of Rev. W.E. McCollum, of Kennesaw. Brother McCollum was formerly pastor of this church and had a host of friends who were grieved to learn of his passing away. He has loived a very varied and highly useful life. From the date of his coversion until his change came he was a loyal, consistent Christian, toiling in the fields of usefulness and suffering patiently with reproach. When quite a young man he felt that he must preach the gospel. He took up and prosecuted this on his own motion. God opened the way for other labors upon which he entered with unusual zeal. In this work the Lord greatly blessed him as is attested by the fact tht he baptized numbers of converts. Brother McCollum was not a only a good man, he labored with untiring effort while he was in the pulpit. Our brother was an acceptable minister and helped in special services at many points in Georgia. There was movement in his sermons and by them the people were moved. Our bother whom we are remembering today was highly social. He was good company; he loved children and it was easy for him to chum up with the young converts. Farewell brother, for a brief season. We do and will remember you. The members of Olive Springs Baptist Church as well as others, so many of whom knew you and loved you, will not forget you soon. The many friends extend their heartfelt sympathy and condolence to the bereaved wife and children. The Marietta Journal edition of the same day carried the following article in the Kennesaw section of its News from Our Correspondents column. Rev. W. E. McCollum, age 53, died at his home Monday evening at 7 o’clock after seven days illness of pneumonia fever. The funeral was conducted at the Baptist church Monday (sic) afternoon by Rev. George Crow. G.S. Bonds, and Rev. Lon Davis, his pastor at Salem church. There were more than a thousand people here from all over the county to pay there (sic) respects to W.E. McCollum, who has preached his own funeral by the good upright religeous (sic) moral life he has lived. He was always ready to champion any cause for the uplifting and betterment of his fellow-citizens. He will be greatly missed at the churches he was serving in the county and in his home. Eleven of his associate pastors attended the funeral, Rev.Mr. Moody, of Canton, Rev. G.T. Crowe, Dr. T.A. White, Rev. I.A. Swafford, of Marietta, Rev. A.J. Morgan, M.A. McCoy, Dr. Patton and Rev. Davis of Acworth. Rev. G.S. Bonds, William McCarrey, F.M. Lacy, of Kennesaw, Mr. E.H. Clay of Marietta spoke of the life of Mr. McCollum. The Masonic Fraternity, of which he had been a member for years, had charge and he was buried in the town cemetry (sic) with Masonic honors. He is survived by his wife and nine children, the older ones being Charle (sic) McCollum, of Marietta, Hayden McCollum, of Atlanta, Robert, who is at home, Mrs. Clint Darby, and Mrs. Clarence Teder, and four younger children who have the sympathy of the hundreds of friends of their family. His favorite songs were sung by Mr. Frank Nation, one specially was very appropriate, I’ll Live On. We will always think of our former townsman and neighbor gone from us, but just living on in Heaven in a brighter ad (sic) beautiful home. The March 24, 1921 edition of the Marietta Journal also carried a short article about him in the Olive Springs section of its “News from Our Correspondents” column. The death of Rev. W.E. McCollum, which occurred at his home near Mount Olivet, on last Monday brought a sadness of feeling among his many Olive Springs friends. Brother McCollum was once a pastor of this church and was a favorite with all of his members and he always brought sunshine with every visit he made to the church. He was a Christian gentleman with many beautiful traits of character. He possesed a peculiar love and devotion for his churches and the cause of Christ at all times. He was always ready and willing to help those in need, so gentle and patient that he won friends wherever he went and he was truly lvoed and honored in all his churches and community. But why multiply words, Let his own work praise him in the gates. We deeply sympathize with his devoted wife and dear children in their sad bereavement. ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. 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