Cobb County GaArchives Marriages.....Payne, Dovey Louise - Adams, Virgil Emory June 30 1920 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Meredith Clapper August 12, 2004, 1:50 pm The Marietta Journal 2 July 1920 The Marietta Journal 2 July 1920, p 1, col. 2. Payne-Adams wedding The wedding of Miss Louise Payne and Mr. Virgil Adams of Atlanta, was a beautiful affair, taking place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Gramling at 4:30 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. The house was charmingly decorated for the occasion. Shasta daisies and sweet peas being lavishly used. The ceremony was performed in the living room, the bridal party standing in the embrasure of the bay window, which was banked in palms and ferns. To the strains of the "Wedding March" played by Miss Lula McMichael, the bride entered with Miss Sara Wood Gramling. Her only attendant. Her frock was a lovely model in dark blue pussy willow taffeta, embroidered in silver, with a chic hat to match, a very becoming costume for her dainty blonde coloring. She wore a corsage of Bride roses and white sweet peas. Miss Gramling was a picture in a frock of dark blue organdie, with big black hat, and she wore a corsage of lavender sweet peas. The bride groom entered with his best man, Mr. Hastings, of Atlanta. Dr. W. T. Hamby performed the impressive ring ceremony, while Miss McMichael softly played "Believe Me if all Those Endearing Young Charms". A delightful reception followed. The refreshments were served in the dining room, where the decorations were all in white and pink. On the lace covered table the center piece was a large beautifully embossed bride's cake wreathed in pink sweet peas and asparagus fern. At either end were French baskets of pink sweet peas, the handles tied with butterfly bows of tulle, and the silver comports held pink mints. Much merriment was caused by the cutting of the bride's cake, the bride herself getting the wishbone for good luck. Mr. and Mrs. Adams left during the afternoon for Alta Pass, in the mountains of North Carolina. The bride was very pretty in her coat suit of brown, with hat and accessories to match. On their return from their honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Adams will keep house in Atlanta, where Mr. Adams is a rising young attorney. The bride, who has been teaching in Marietta since her graduation from Waleska some years ago has made her home here with Mr. and Mrs. Gamling. She has many warm friends who admire her for her strength and sweetness of character and rejoice with her in her new found happiness. The many lovely gifts attested the popularity of both bride and groom. Mrs. Gramling received her guests in a handsome gown of blue beaded georgette. Only the relatives a few intimate friends were present, about fifty in all. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb