Coweta County GaArchives Obituaries.....Dial, Rebecca Briscoe Wright February 10, 1896 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jeff Carroll March 21, 2018, 9:22 pm Herald and Advertiser - November 13, 1896 MRS. REBECCA B. DIAL On February 10th, 1896, God in His infinite wisdom called from us our beloved sister, Rebecca B. Dial. Sister Dial was born in Jones county, Ga., Dec 29, 1828; was married to Mr. "Dock" Dial April 11, 1844; joined the Methodist church when young, but, being dissatisfied, united with the Baptist church at Providence in 1862, and ever thereafter lived a consistent Christian life. She bore her afflictions as a Christian, believing that the God she loved "doeth all things well." She was an affectionate wife, a kind and loving mother, and an obliging neighbor.She leaves ten children, together with many other relatives and friends to mourn her loss. Therefore--- Resolved, That in the death of Sister Dial the church at Elim has sustained a great loss, but we feel that our loss is her eternal gain;-therefore we bow in humble submission to the will of our Heavenly Father. Resolved, That this memorial be spread upon the church record, and a copy sent the bereaved family. Also, that a copy be furnished THE HERALD AND ADVERTISER for publication. S.W. Hubbard, T. J. Jenkins, E. M. Grimes, Committee. Additional Comments: Rebecca Briscoe Wright married Doctor Washington Dial Apr 11, 1844 in Coweta County, Georgia and they had thirteen children. They are buried at Emory Chapel Cemetery - Coweta County, Georgia in unmarked graves. *Note* the date of birth - the Dial Family Bible lists Rebecca's date of birth as Dec 29, 1827. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb