Crawford County Georgia Schools Salem/White August 1902 File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Rozine B. Sheets( Don Bickel ( Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: NOTES: ***** First, we wish to thank Sandra Neal, Crawford County Superintendent of Schools; Crawford County Board of Education, Rozine Britt-Sheets, and Crawford County Historical Society, for making these records available. Original records will be housed and on file at the Crawford County Historical Society in Knoxville, GA 31050. The Crawford County, Georgia, schools have been identified through various historical references. Records will be posted, as they are located, and transcribed. We have made every attempt to maintain the original spellings from the records. The "year" in the file name, represents the beginning school year (i.e., sch1921 is the 1921-1922 school year). The names listed on each roster, are in their original order, as placed in each register. Some names may be repeated on the lists. If there is duplication, it is NOT the result of typing errors. The names may appear in the actual rosters more than once, without explanation. The "period, school, teacher" information is repetitious; however once the data is compiled, we will make an attempt in the future, to provide an alphabetical name listing, which will scatter that information. Rozine B. Sheets( Don Bickel ( Salem / White August 1902 Teacher: J.F.Dickey (Fred) NAME AGE MALE Andrews Bascom 14 X McGee Grady 8 X Bond Wesley 9 X Collier Tommie 6 X Gregory Felton 7 X Britt Norman 8 X Rollins Grover 13 X Bond Isaiah 10 X Bond Leonard 12 X Bond Northrop 14 X Gregory Clifford 14 X Bryant Calder 12 X Bryant Sidney 10 X McGee Elmo 11 X McGee Emery 13 X McGee Dewitt 8 X Gregory Holly 12 Stembridge Eddie 13 X Bond Andrew 18 X McGee Winnie 14 McGee Varrye 11 McGee May 14 Bond Lillie 11 Chjilders Flora 8 Childers Lizzie 10 Collier Jeffie 7 X Gregory Alice 8 Bregory Pearl 11 Andrews Mary 11 Britt Beula 9 Stembridge Corine 7 Rollins Fannie 10 Gregory Anna 11 Gregory Emma 6 Rutherford Minnie 12 Rugherford Lula 13 Rutherford Leola 10 Bryant Leila 8 Bryant Lula 14 Thomaston Lucile 7 Harrison Sallie 13 ======================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ==============