Crawford County GaArchives Military Records.....Henry N. Britt April 26 1865 Civilwar Co. D, 54th Georgia Infantry, C.S.A. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Rozine Britt Sheets and Joyce Smith July 3, 2003, 10:30 pm This story of my great grandfather, Henry N. Britt when he returned home from the Civil War was recently shared with me by Ruth Prince Dennett, daughter of Minnie Britt and O.C. Prince and granddaughter of Henry Britt through Joyce Smith. ....Aunt Mattie remembered when Henry returned home from the war. Henry and Elizabeth Betsy Miller Britt lived in Knoxville, GA. Their house had a white picket fence around it. Aunt Mattie spied a man at the gate. She said, "Ma, there's a tramp at our gate." Grandma replied, "That's no tramp; that's your Pa!" He had hiked for miles. His uniform was worn and soiled. His shoes were lined with cardboard. His beard and hair were long and dirty. But she ran and embraced him. The children filled iron washpots with water, built a fire around it to heat the bath water. Grandpa held his shirt over the fire and "popping sounds" were heard. This was the lice in his shirt dieing. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb