Will of Decatur Co. GA Will of ABRAM BROCK, 12 Feb 1903 Submitted by Jackie Efros ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ *********************************************************************** Will of Abram Brock Decatur Co. Ga. Will Book B page 254 Film # 0249,484 SLC FHL copied 3/99 JE Will of ABRAM BROCK Filed in the OFFICE Court Probation In Common Form January Term 1909 State of Georgia Decatur County Last will and Testament of Abram Brock I, Abram Brock, of said state and county being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all Wills heretofore made by me. Item 1st I wish my Executor herein after named, as soon as possible after my death to pay all of my debts. If a sale of property shall be necessary I wish him to select for sale that which can be most advantageously used for that purpose and I authorize him to sell the same at public or private sale as he may see fit. Item 2nd I give to my beloved wife, LOUIZA JANE BROCK, during her natural life or Widowhood the following property to wit: The south half of lot of land number 261 in the 16th district of Decatur County, Georgia, containing 125 acres, more or less. This includes all the home place where I now live. I also give her 50 acres of land off the North West corner of lot number 260 in the 16th District of said County. It being all that I wun in said lot. I also give her all the stock of each kind that I may be possessed of at my death, and all other personal property, except that a sale is necessary and the same is selected from my personal property. The --- to set out in Item 1st. If such be the case, she is to have the remainder of all that is left. I also give her all of my household and kitchen furniture. Item 3rd It is my desire and my will that after the death or Widowhood of my wife LOUIZA JANE BROCK, all the property both real and personal which I have given her and named in Item 2nd, shall become the property of my youngest son, GENERAL THOMAS BROCK. Item 4th I give and bequest to my son, WILLIAM RILEY BROCK, 65 acres of land off the SouthWest side of lot number 8 in the 15th District (*note, this is located right next to lot 260 in the 16th district* by JE) of Decatur County, Georgia, described as follows. Th commences at the SouthWest Corner of lot number 8 and run Nothe 1073 yards. There on East 294 yards as described in plot below to make the 65 acres. **HERE IS A PICTURE OF LOT DIVISIONS Item 5th I give and bequeath to my son JOHN E BROCK, sixty-five acres of land out of lot no. 8 and lying broadside & East of the land, which I give WILLIAM R BROCK as described in plat. Item 6th I give and bequest to my daughter, DELILAH A BROCK, sixty five acres of land out of the lot number 8 and lying broadside and East of the land which I give JOHN E BROCK, as described in plat. Item 7th I give and bequest to my son DANIEL D BROCK, forty-nine acres. It being the remainder of the fractional part of lot no. 8 and lying East and broadside of the land I give DELILAH A BROCK, as described in plat. This is not of equal division of acres, but I consider the land better than the others received which makes it equal in value. Item 8th I give and bequest to my son SAMUEL D BROCK Sixty two acres of land off the North East side of the South half of lot no. 7 and 3 acres off of the strip of land cut off of lot number 8 all in the 15th District of Decatur County Georgia as described in plat. Item 9 I give and bequest to my Grand-children, SAMUEL, MARY ANN, ORILLA and MITTIE DOLLAR, children of my deceased daughterARMINDY DOLLAR, sixty-two and one half acres of land off the West side of the south half of lot number (7) Seven and (3) acres off of the strip of land cut off the lot no. 8, All in the 15th District, Decatur County, Georgia, in as described in plat attached. Item 10 I hereby constitute and appoint my friend J. M. Brock, as executor of this my last Will and Testament and direct that he received a reasonable compensation for his service rendered. Signed and Sealed this Feby 12, 1903 ABRAM BROCK Signed and published by ABRAM BROCK as his last Will and Testament in the presence of the undersigned who subscribed our names her to as witnesses at the instance and request of said Testator and in his presence and in the presence of each other. This the 12th of February 1903 H P SIMS J M GRIFFIN J S BRADWELL Whereas I, ABRAM BROCK, of Decatur County and State of Georgia have made my last Will and Testament in writing being dated the 12th day of Feby 1903. Now therefore, sense the date and making of my last Will J M BROCK who was named as said will as Executor has recently died which becomes necessary that I while yet in life nominate and appoint someone else as Executor. 1st It is my desire and I do hereby dived constraute and appoint my son G T BROCK. Executor of this last Will and Testament, without Bond hereby giving him the power to execute the same according to my wishes heretofore named in my will and that he shall not be required or amenable to any court except as to the Probate of my Will and this Codicil as required by law and to turn over to my heirs which are named in the will the property which I have selected for them. Item 2nd It is my desire after the death of my wife, that the house hold and kitchen furniture be equally divided between my daughter, DELILAH BROCK and my son G T BROCK. And lastly it is my desire that this Codicil be annexed to the made a part of my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have here unto sat my hand and seal. This, 17 day of Feby 1906// ABRAM BROCK (SEAL) The above and forgoing instrument and Consittin one sheet was at the date here of signed, sealed and published and declared by the said Abram Brock as and for a conicil to his last will in presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witness there to . This the 17th day of Feby 1906. W M HARRELL W G MATHES C W WAMBERLEY