DODGE COUNTY, GA - CEMETERY Harrell - Wooten ***************** Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Larry Childs HARRELL - WOOTEN This cemetery is located between Cochran and Eastman Ga. On Sate Highway 23. Coming from Cochran It will be on the left side of the road it is easily seen and well taking care of. There are a few others more modern burials in the cemetery. The cemetery was established 1884. A. B. Young Feb. 14, 1859 - July 18, 1908 Lovda Young Smith April 6, 1869 - May 22, 1959 Louis F. Wooten Dec. 12, 1860 - June 25, 1938 Ella B. Wooten Aug. 7, 1866 - Dec. 12, 1936 Della E. Young Daughter of A. B. and L. A. Young Sept. 1. 1884 - Sept. 22, 1884 Reuben A. Harrell Sept. 14, 1858 - April 14, 1905 Co. F. 31 Ga. Inf. C. S. A