Elbert County GaArchives Photo Document.....Letter (Matthews To Joe Harris) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Troy Colquitt pannellj@cstel.net February 13, 2007, 5:48 am Source: Unavailable Photo can be seen at: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/elbert/photos/documents/letterma13569ph.jpg Image file size: 534.1 Kb Oglethorpe Co Sandy Cross Ga April the 12 1891 (page one) Dear uncle Joe and family I thought I would right you a few lines to let you all hear from us. We are all well at this time we felt Saddie she is not very well. We have a fine girl a month old to day I hope these few lens will find you all well I have nothing enteresting to right to you I am badly behind with my crop but are no futher behind than the rest of the farmers around here Farmers are probably behind. Some few are planting cotton seed wheat is looking fine and oats I have a very promising prospect for wheat crop and oats. My corn is coming up a little. We had a bad freeze hear last Sunday night. Saddie pa and mea have bin talking of coming up their for a month but he says it is to pretty wether to stop to come. Now we have bin looking for you to come to Oglethorpe every since cerismas but looking have all I would be glad you and family would come down and sea as Rich. Bridges wife (page two) Do not let miss Lizzy Rice sea this foolish letter have bin very sick about a month she has cures spells but she keeps up Bee is not able to do nothing mutch Saddie pa aimed to come up their this week he went down to uncle George Harris one evening this week and borrowed his Surry Buggy to come up their in when he got home he thought about his horses was plowing he had not thought of having to plow he was thinking of comeing to Bowman to sea his daughter inlaw. You tell her that all of the family is glad she is willing to come to Oglethorpe. We learned she said she was glad the family was glad she was comeing to Oglethorpe Tell her we just got the family together the other day to consult about it she ought to of seen them all together she can gess how many they was tell them Bowman folks paper and stamps is give out shuly we do not get but 6 letters a week from the office now would be glad to get more so I will colse my foolnish You all must come down to sea us soon right soon Let us hear from you all so good by Yours Truly April the 12 1891 A D Mathews Compliers note: Joseph Marion Harris had sold his property around Millstone Church in Oglethorpe County to his brother in-law, J.T. Pass. He moved to the Pleasant Grove Church area in Madison County, near Bowman, Ga. around 1890 so his children would have different people to marry. This letter was from a relative in Oglethorpe County, Ga. Additional Comments: This two page letter to Joseph Marion Harris from his relative in Oglethorpe County, Georgia, after he moved to Madison Co., Ga. He is buried at Pleasant Grove Church in Elbert County, Ga. Joseph Marion Harris later moved to Bowman, Ga. where he died in 1911. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ga/elbert/photos/documents/letterma13569ph.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 3.4 Kb