RETURN; Estate of Mary Bell....2 Dec 1867...Elbert County, Georgia LDS Film 0209557 Elbert County, Georgia Court of Ordinary Annual Returns Records Book Y, 1866-1869 Page 408 Return Est Mary Bell decd 1867 David Bell Exr of Mary Bell makes the following return to the ordinary of Elbert County the 2d December 1867 To cash Recd of Wm Grives for rent of land in the year 1863..Price & interest...........$89.26 To rent of land for 1866 to Louisa Bell one 4th of corn & 1/5 cotton.............................$2.97 To rent of land for 1867 to Wm Grimes highest Bidder..................................................$1.00 ............................................................................. ...............$93.23 1866........................Paid.......... Tax .................................Voucher No (1)..........$12.87 1867........................Paid...........E B Higginbotham..........Voucher No (2)............$5.47 1867 Dec 2..............Paid .........Wm Grimes.....................Voucher No.(3)...........$96.82 1867..Dec 2.............Paid .........Wm H Edwards...............Voucher No.(4).............$3.00 .........................$118.16 Copy of Vouchers No 1 Recd of David Bell $12.86 his Tax as Exr on the estate of Mary Bell for 1866 E B Higginbotham No 2. Recd of David Bell $5.47 his Tax as Exr on the estate of Mary Bell decd for 1867 E B Higginbotham No 3 $96.82 Recd from David Bell Exr of Mary Bell decd ninty Six 82/100 in full of the above process (?) account Interest and principal this 2d Dec 1867. William Grimes No 4 ..$3.00 Recd Decr 2d 1867 from David Bell Exr of Mary Bell decd three dollars in full for receiving and recording his returns for 1866 & 1867 WH Edwards Ordinary Georgia, Elbert County Personally appeared before me David Bell Exr of Mary Bell decd and being Sworn says that the above return as it Stands Stated is correct to the best of his knowledge & belief Sworn to & Subscribed before me 2d Decr 1867 David Bell W H Edwards Ordinary The above return Sworn to and filed in the ordinarays (sic) office of Elbert County 2d Decr 1867 W H Edwards Ordinary The foregoing Return approved and allowed and Ordered to Record by the Ordinary of Elbert County 3rd Jany 1868 W H Edwards Ordinary ***************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.rootsweb/ Submitted by . Anne C Booth .. .......................20 Jul 2001 *****************************************************************