Elbert County GaArchives Will Heirome Gaines, 15 Mar 1815 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Transcribed by Chandler Eavenson 22 May 2006 Will Heirome Gaines, 15 Mar 1815 The following Will of Heirome Gaines appears on Pages 188, 189 of Book K, Mixed Records of Wills, Marriages and Estates, Court of Orindary, Elbert Co., GA: "In the name of God, Amen I Heirome Gaines of the County of Elbert and State of Georgia calling to mind the mortality of all flesh and being now of sound and disposing mind, do make this my last Will and Testament - first I commend my soul to God who gave it, and yeald my body to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my Executors as to such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with both real and personal I Will and ordain that it be disposed of as followith (to wit) My Will is that all my just debts be first paid - I lend unto my beloved wife Anne Thompson Gaines two negroes (to wit) Joe and Rachel, said Rachel now in the possession of James Adams, during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided between my children together with their future increase also my household and kitching furniture also my stock and plantation tools for my families support excepting as hereinafter excepted- Item __ I give unto my son James H. Gaines all that part of my land lying as followeth beginning at the top of the hill on the north side of the big branch on Sally Turners line thence straight to the beach Spring on said branch thence down said branch to a certain red bank thence straight to the upper field Spring, thence down said branch to where my lower line crosses it to include all my land. South of said line and to hold said in perpeturities - also and one sorrel fille and saddle one bed and furniture, one cow and calf - My shot gun and one half of my shop tools - Item 5th I give unto my son William Shanklin Gaines all the balance of my land lying north of my son James line including my plantation after wife having her lifetime on said land. also the half of my shop tools one cow and calf one feather bed and furniture also a certain negroe boy Bille now in the possession of James Adams all of which property my Will is each of my said sons shall take possession of whenever they may respectively come of age or marriages. Item 6th I give unto my daughter Margret C. Gaines a certain negroe girl named Polley now in the possession of James Adams also one ____ one bed and furniture one cow and calf also one womans saddle and bridle now in her possession. Item 7th I give unto my daughter Jincy Gaines my negroe girl Edy one cow and calf also a womans saddle and bridle. Item 8th I confirm unto Robert Burk, Sr. a certain negro boy named Jack according to former contract Item 8th I confirm unto Williams Adams a certain negro man named Mike according to former gift. Item 9th I confirm unto Isham Teasley a certain negro man named Nelson according to a former gift. Item 10th I confirm unto Samuel Adams a certain negro boy named Dave according to former gift. Item 11th I confirm unto Ivey Seal a certain negro girl named Sucky according to former gift. Item 12th I give unto John Adams a certain negro boy named Charles now in possession of James Adams. Item 13th I lend unto my father in law James Adams a certain negro boy named Harry now in his possession during his natural life provided said negro Harry shall not be carried out of this county and at the death of the said James Adams the said negro Harry shall together with two other negro children now in the possession of said James Adams named Nancy and Ben be equally divided between William Adams, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Isham Teasley and Ivey Seal- that is the said Harry to be divided at the death of said James Adams and the other two as soon as practicable. Item 14th I Will that all my estate of what naturesoever it may be, at the death of my wife shall be equally divided between my children and also the negro boy Charles that I have given to John Adams, provided said John Adams should die before he comes of age. Lastly I constitute appoint and ordain Robert Burk, Senr John Johnston and James H. Gaines my lawful Executors to this my Last Will and Testament revoking all other Wills heretofore made by me in Testamony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 15th day of March one Thousand Eight hundred and fifteen. Heirome Gaines (seal) Signed in presence of ) Moses Fleming ) R. Banks ) James Hamelton ) "Georgia, Elbert County) Personally appeared in open court James Hamelton one of the subscribing witnesses to the within Will and after being duly sworn deposeth and saith that he saw the testator Heirome Gaines subscribe his name to the within - and also heard him acknowledge the same as his last Will and Testament and that the said testator appeared to be of sound and disposing mind and memory and that Ralph Banks together with himself subscribed to the same as witnesses and that he knows the signature of the other witness Moses Fleming to be the handwriting of the said Fleming. James Hamelton Sworn to in open court this 1st May 1815 Whereof it was ordered to be ____ John Johnston and James H. Gaines were qualified ____ and at the next court Robert Burk, Sr. was ____ ____ one of the executors and letters testamentary ____. Recorded 7th June 1815." [Submitter's notes: His wife Anne Thompson Adams was the daughter of Rev. Sol. James Adams, Jr. and wife Jane Cunningham. Anne's siblings were: (1) William Adams, married 1st Catherine Mansfield, married 2nd Sarah Head; (2) Samuel Adams, married Martha Ann Thornton; (3) Jane Adams, married Isham Teasley; (4) Elizabeth Adams, married Ivey Seal; (5) John C. Adams, married Faith Dickerson. Anne was the granddaughter of James Adams,Sr. and Cecily Ford, and James Cunningham and Ann Thomson, daughter of Rev. John Thomson, renowned Presbyterian minister.] Submitted by: Chandler Eavenson