Fannin County GaArchives Military Records.....MUSTER ROLL OF COMPANY B, 65th REGIMENT Civilwar - Rosters COMPANY B, 65th REGIMENT ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ken Johnson April 17, 2004, 12:25 pm MUSTER ROLL OF *COMPANY B, 65th REGIMENT GEORGIA VOLUNTEER INFANTRY ARMY OF TENNESSEE C. S. A. FANNIN COUNTY, GEORGIA *This company was organized in May 1862, as Co. C, Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols. It became Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., in March 1863. Morris, Andrew H. Elected Captain of Co. C, Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Absent, sick in hospital by order of regimental surgeon, October 5, 1863. Resigned January 25, 1864. Died at Hemp, Fannin Co., Ga., May 31, 1914. Green, George N. Elected 1st Lieutenant, Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Tendered resignation December 28, 1863, on the grounds that he considered himself incompetent to hold the commission. Resignation accepted January 19, 1864. Pension records state that shell burst near him, causing partial deafness at Missionary Ridge, Va., November 24, 1863. Allan, Lewis Crayton (or Allen)-Elected 2d Lieutenant, Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Elected Captain March 17, 1864, to take rank from January 24, 1864. Tendered resignation August 13, 1864, and again January 16, 1865. Willson, Henry C. (ar Wilson)-Elected Jr. 2d Lieutenant, Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. On detached service in Fannin Co., Ga., August 19, 1863. Resigned, feeling himself incompetent, January 21, 1864. German, Larkin-Elected 2nd Lieutenant of Co. E, 2d Regiment Ga. Inf., April 22, 1861. Appears last on roll for April 25 - July 1, 1861, which shows him present. No record of transfer or dis- charge found. Enlisted as a private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 4, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Appointed 1st Sergeant; 2nd Sergeant January 19, 1864; 1st Lieutenant January 25, 1864. Free, William Martin-Enlisted in Co. C, Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Appointed 2d Sergeant. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Elected 2d Lieutenant January 29, 1864. Pension record states he was discharged at Washington, Ga., at the close of the war. (Born in Hall Co., Ga., March 14, 1836.) Turner, Jesse S. Enlisted in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Appointed 3d Sergeant. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Died in Atlanta, Ga., hospital, September 16, 1863. Ashworth, Thomas L. Enlisted in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Appointed 4th Sergeant. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. On 30 days detached service in Fannin Co., Ga., to arrest deserters August 19, 1863. Sick in hospital August 31, 1864. Baldridge, Lawson L. Enlisted in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Appointed 5th Sergeant. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Appointed 4th Sergeant November or December 1863. Reduced to private March 1864. Deserted March 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., March 5, 1864. Richards, James T. Enlisted in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Appointed 1st Corporal February 12, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Died in Loudon, Tenn., hospital, April 6, 1863. Turner, Leander N. Enlisted in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Appointed 2d Corporal April 8, 1863. Absent without leave November 26, 1863. Reduced to private January 1, 1864, while absent. Abercrombie, Richard H. Enlisted in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Appointed 3d Corporal April 8, 1863; 2d Corporal January or February 1864; 4th Sergeant June 1, 1864. In Ocmulgee Hospital, Macon, Ga., with gunshot wound, July 25 - August 2, 1864. Furloughed from hospital for 30 days. Pension records state he was at home on furlough at close of war. (Born in Ga., June 16, 1842. Died in Fannin Co., Ga., April 10, 1925.) Freeman, John W. Enlisted in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 3, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Appointed 4th Corporal April 8, 1863. Deserted at Kingston, Ga., June 25, 1863. Reduced to private June 27, 1863. No later record. Allan, Joseph G. --- private May 28, 1863. Sick in hospital August 31, 1864. Paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. (Born May 1, 1838.) Allan, William W. (or Allen)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 9, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. In S. P. Moore Hospital, Athens, Tenn., June 30, 1863. Furloughed from there July 10, 1863. Captured at battle of Missionary Ridge, Tenn., November 25 or 26, 1863. Allen, William R. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 12, 1863. Transferred to Co B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Died of pneumonia at Asylum Hospital, Knoxville, Tenn., August 22, 1863. Anderson, D. C. --- private. Died at Atlanta, Ga., September 26, 1863. Buried there in Oakland Cemetery. Anderson, Robert H. --- private March 3, 1863. Transferred to Co. H, March 19, 1863. In Clinton, Tenn., hospital, June 1, 1863; Knoxville, Tenn., hospital, August 23, 1863; Covington, Ga., hospital, February 1864. Undated roll for 1864, last on file, shows him absent without leave. Bates, John C. --- private September 27, 1863. In Floyd House Hospital, Macon, Ga., with gunshot wound of right thigh September 21, 1864. Pension record shows he was wounded, leg disabled, near Atlanta, Ga., August 17, 1864. Bates, Levi M. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 1, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Appointed 5th Sergeant April 1, 1864. In hospital June 1864. Returned to duty from hospital June 30, 1863, but never reported for duty. Beaver, Hosea Alex---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Absent without leave December 14, 1862 - February 24, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted, June 1864. Captured at Marietta, Ga., June 15, 1864, and sent to Rock Island, Ill., prison. Forwarded to Point Look- out, Md., for exchange, February 25, 1865. In 3d Division General Hospital, Camp Winder, Richmond, Va., March 7, 1865. Beaver, John M. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Absent without leave December 14, 1862 - February 14, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted from Loudon, Tenn., June 27, 1863. Returned to company from desertion. Roll dated August 31, 1864, last on file, shows him absent, sick in hospital. Bennett, Sicely E. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 15, 1863. Transferred ta Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863; to Co. I, March 19, 1863. Deserted April 6, 1863. Rejoined company from desertion and granted pardon August 6, 1863. Deserted December 8, 1863. Brookshire, Levi---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., August 24, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Sick in Frank Ramsey Hospital, Loudon, Tenn., April 27 - August 1863. Detailed as nurse in same hospital October 1863 - August 1864. In Direction Hospital, Meridian, Miss., February 8, 1865. Pension record states he was home on sick furlough at close of war. (Born in Wilkes Co., N. C., February 9, 1830. Died in Fannin Co., Ga., November 23, 1916.) Brown, William L. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., October 30, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted December 9, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., at Knoxville, Tenn., January 2, 1864. Bryan, Jeptha---- private August 15, 1863. Deserted December 9, 1863. Returned. Deserted July 1864. Burgiss, Andrew J. (ar Burgess, or Burger)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Absent without leave November 1, 1862 - February 12, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Captured at Covington, Ga., July 22, 1864, and sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, prison. Applied to take oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., December 1864. Forwarded to New Orleans, La., May 2, 1865. Received at Vicksburg, Miss., for exchange, May 12, 1865. (Born in Ga., in 1836.) Carson, William M. (or W. J., or W. G.)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 12, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf. March 1863; to Co. I, March 19, 1863. Deserted, January 27, 1864. Casteel, Robert R. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 3, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. On detached service working on stockade at Loudon, Tenn., April 27, 1863; Zollocoffer, Tenn., August 1863; with Engineer Corps December 1863. Transferred to Co. A, 3d Regiment Engineer Troops; to Co. C, 11th Regiment Ga. Cavalry, May 2, 1864. Chastain, John W. (ar Chastein)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 1, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863; to Co. I, March 19, 1863. Detailed to Engineer Corps, April 1863. Deserted September 1, 1863. Clememts, H. P. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., August 24, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted April 27, 1863. Rejoined from desertion June 14, 1863. Sick in Loudon, Tenn., hospital, June 30, 1863. Paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Cobb, William J. --- private in Co. F, 19th Regiment Tenn. Inf., June 3, 1861. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., April 1, 1864, appointed 2d Sergeant. Captured near Nashville, Tenn., December 16, 1864, and sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, prison. Forwarded to Camp Douglas, Ill., prison, March 20, 1865. Cogdill, L. B. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted at Loudon, Tenn., April 27, 1863. Cornett, Wilson---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 12, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted July 3, 1864. Captured at Marietta, Ga., July 3, 1864, and sent to Camp Morton, Ind., prison. Forwarded to Point Lookout, Md., for exchange, March 15, 1865. Admitted to Richmond, Va., hospital, March 24 - 25, 1865. Granted 30 days sick furlough from hospital. Cox, Andrew E. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. On detached service working on stockade at Loudon, Tenn., April 27, 1863; at Zollicoffer, Tenn., August 1863. Detailed as company cook April 1864. Pension record shows he was sent to Augusta, Ga., hospital, October 1864. Cut off from command by Federal Army while on sick furlough November 1864. Joined Co. A, 9th Regiment Ga. Militia November 1864. Surrendered, Kingston, Ga., May 12, 1865. Cox, Walton (or Walter)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. On detached service working on stockade at Loudon, Tenn., April 27, 1863. Absent, sick in hospital, December 1863 - August 1864. Craig, William W. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Died in Clinton, Tenn., hospital, December 6, 1862. Crawford, James E. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. In Frank Ramsey Hospital, Loudon, Tenn., April 27, 1863. Detailed nurse in same hospital June 4, 1863. Deserted December 7, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., at Chattanooga, Tenn., February 14, 1864. Crawford, John M. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted December 7, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., at Knoxville, Tenn., January 12, 1864. Crawford, William G. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted, Knoxville, Tenn., August 5, 1863. Captured at Fannin Co., Ga. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., at Louisville, Ky., December 22, 1863. Released and allowed to remain north of the Ohio River. Crawford, William S. -- See Crofford. Crofford, William S. (or Crawford)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Deserted October 20, 1862. Rejoined January 6, 1863. Granted pardon. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863; to Co. I, March 19, 1863. Deserted July 1, 1863. In Dalton, Ga., hospital, September 1863. Died in Cassville, Ga., hospital, November 8, 1863. Croder, James N. (or N. J. Crawder)---- private May 30, 1863. Detailed as post wagoner at Kingston, Tenn., June 26, 1863. Furloughed for 20 days January 23, 1864. Failed to return. Crowder, William J. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Detailed as post wagoner at Kingston, Tenn., June 26, 1863. Wounded and captured in battle of Missionary Ridge, Va., November 25, 1863. In U. S. Army Hospital, Bridgeport, Ala., December 1863. Sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, prison. Forwarded to City Point, Va., for exchange February 25, 1865. Davenport, Daniel C. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 3, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted at Knoxville, Tenn., August 12, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., January 7, 1864. Davenport, David E. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 3, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted August 12, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., at Nashville, Tenn., January 7, 1864. Davenport, David G. --- private August 15, 1863. Discharged because of idiocy March 7, 1864. (Born in 1843 or 1844.) Davenport, D. C. Name appears only on muster roll dated August 31, 1864, which states that he enlisted as a private May 14, 1862, and was killed near Dallas, Ga., May 28, 1864. Davenport, Garner---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Pension record shows he was paroled at Smithfield, N. C., April 26, 1865. (Born July or September 20, 1843.) Davenport, Granville C. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Sick at home in Fannin Co., Ga., December 16, 1862 - October 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga., Inf., March 1863. Davenport, Hulin---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 13, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Detailed, working on stockade, Loudon, Tenn., April 27, 1863. On detached service at Zollicoffer, Tenn., August 1863. Transferred to Engineer Corps July or August 1864. Davenport, John---- private July 3, 1863. Deserted, Kingston, Tenn., July 5, 1863. Davenport, Osborn (or Osborne)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. On detailed service in Fannin Co., Ga., to arrest deserters, August 1863. Killed in battle of Missionary Ridge, Va., November 25, 1863. Daves, Alfred G. (or Alpherd G.)---- private June 29, 1863. Sick in hospital October 1-31, 1863. Appointed 4th Corporal April 1, 1864; 3d Corporal July or August 1864. Pension record states he was wounded at battle of Franklin, Tenn., and was home on wounded furlough at the close of the war. (Born in Ga.) Daves, Joseph---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Wounded at Tanner's Ferry, Ga., May 15, 1864. Deserted July 26, 1864. Died in Fannin Co., Ga., July 24, 1908. Davidson, J. A. --- private. Died at LaGrange, Ga. Buried there in Stonewall Cemetery. Davis, James H. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted at Loudon, Tenn., April 17, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., January 13, 1864. Davis, John S. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Absent without leave November 27, 1862 - February 27, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Sick in Loudon, Tenn., hospital, April 27, 1863. Deserted in 1863. Re- joined company. Sick in hospital December 1863 - February 1864. Dillingham, A. A. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 10, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Furloughed form Forsyth, Ga., hospital, October 15, 1863. Did not return from furlough and listed as a deserter. Dodd, Edwin C. --- private June 1863. Pension record shows he died in Kingston, Ga., hospital, December 22, 1863. Edmonson, R. A. (or Edmondson)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 9, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted at Knoxville, Tenn., August 12, 1863. Eller, George C. --- private. Name appears only on prisoner of war records which state that he was captured near Nashville, Tenn., December 16, 1864, and sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, prison. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., and released June 12, 1865. (Born in 1836 or 1837.) (-- See George Eller, Co. G.) Ellis, J. N. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Died of pneumonia in Fannin Co., Ga., August 13, 1863. (Born in N. C., November 30, 1834.) Fields, Thomas J. (or Thomas L.)---- private in Cavalry Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Appointed Bugler and transferred to Co. F, 6th Regiment Ga. Cavalry, March 1863; to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., February 1, 1864. Paroled at Kingston, Ga., May 12, 1865. Freeman, Jesse S. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., September 8, 1862. Absent, sick in Fannin Co., Ga., October 30, 1862, having lost eyesight. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted November 1863. Furguson, John---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Deserted. Rejoined company March 1, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted at Loudon, Tenn., June 30, 1863. Garland, Joseph (or Galana, Garlan)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted July 3, 1864. Captured at Marietta, Ga., July 3, 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., and enlisted in Co. E, 6th Regiment U. S. Vol. Inf. Garnett, John G. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Appointed 4th Corporal June 27, 1863; 3d Corporal January or February 1864. 2nd Corporal July or August 1864. Captured at Franklin, Tenn., December 18, 1864. Died in U. S. Army General Hospital, Nashville, Tenn., of wound in right tibia March 7, 1865. Buried in Grave No. 12415, Nashville City Cemetery. (Born in 1844 or 1845.) German, John---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols May 14, 1862. Absent without leave December 1, 1862 - February 25, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Reported missing in battle of Missionary Ridge, Va., November 25, 1863. Captured at Ringgold, Ga., November 28, 1863, and sent to Rock Island, Ill., prison. Prisoner of War record shows him as a deserter. Green, John M. --- private August 12, 1863. Captured at Franklin Tenn., December 17, 1864. Admitted to U. S. Army General Hospital No. 1, Nashville, Tenn., December 25, 1864, of gunshot fracture of right shoulder. Forwarded to Camp Chase, Ohio, prison. Green, William N. (or William M.)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 12, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted at Athens, Tenn., September l, 1863. Conscripted into service at Albany, Ga., January 19, 1864. Griffin, Hamilton (or L. H.)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 12, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Appointed 5th Sergeant December 1, 1863; 4th Sergeant March or April 1864. Killed near Dallas, Ga., May 28, 1864. Gross, Rickles F. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted to enemy at Knoxville, Tenn., August 5, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., at Louisville, Ky., December 22, 1863, and released north of the Ohio River. Harris, William---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., August 24, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Absent, sick in Loudon, Tenn., hospital, April 27, 1863. Discharged May 2, 1863, by order of General Davis. Hicks, Joseph A. (or James)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 10, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863; to Co. I, March 19, 1863. Appointed 2d Corporal April 1864. Captured at Marietta, Ga., June 15, 1864, and sent to Rock Island, Ill., prison, June 24, 1864. He enlisted in the U. S. Army for frontier service October 15, 1864. Hopper, E. B. (or Harper)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., August 24, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Died in LaGrange, Ga., hospital, June 24, 1864, of chronic diarrhoea. Hughes, Andrew Jackson---- private August 12, 1863. In Blackie Hospital, Madison, Ga., March 1864. (Born in Ga., June 15, 1845.) Jones, Jesse---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Kendall, William S. -- See Kindall. Killian, John P. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Sick in hospital in Knoxville, Tenn., in August 1863. Died in Knoxville, Tenn., hospital October 15, 1863. Kindall, William S. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted to the enemy at Knoxville, Tenn., August 5, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., February 14, 1864. Kinser, Joseph---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 12, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. In Blackie Hospital, Madison, Ga., March 1864. Lang, Henry--- See Long. Lang, William--- See Long. Little, George W. (or Lytle)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga., Vols., September 3, 1862. Absent without leave December 3, 1862 - March 16, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Absent, sick in hospital by order of regimental surgeon, October 1863. Captured at Missionary Ridge, Va., November 25, 1863, and sent to Rock Island, Ill., prison. Stated that he was tired of C. S. A., and would be loyal to the Union. Logan, John C. --- private May 10, 1862. Roll for December 31, 1862 - April 30, 1863, shows he transferred from Co. B, 4th Regiment Ga. Cavalry, April 1, 1863. However, his name does not appear in the records of the 4th Regiment Ga. Cavalry. Detailed in Quartermaster's Department May or June 1863. Commissary Sergeant in Field, Staff, and Band, September or October 1863. Transferred to non commission staff, July 1, 1864. Paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Long, Henry (or Lang)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 9, 1862. Transferred to Co. B" 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. On detached service at Loudon, Tenn., working on stockade since April 27, 1863. Absent, sick in S. P. Moore Hospital, Athens, Tenn., May and June 1863. Furloughed from hospital July 10, 1863. Absent, sick in Fannin Co., Ga., unable to return October 1863. Deserted and dropped from roll December 1863. Long, William---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 9, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. On detached service in Fannin Co., Ga., August 19, 1863, to arrest deserters. Deserted September 19, 1863, and dropped from roll. Lytle, George W. -- See Little. McClewer, L. C. -- See McClure. McClure, John (or McCleur)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., January 20, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. At home, sick without leave, September 5, 1863. McClure, Lucius C. (or McClewer, ar Meclure)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 18, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863; to Co. I, March 19, 1863. Sick in Loudon, Tenn., hospital, April 1, 1863. Absent without leave November 1863. Deserted May or June 1864. Pension record shows he was at home on sick furlough at close of war. McKenney, G. W. A. -- See McKinney. McKiney, G. W. A. -- See McKinney. McKinney, George Washington Anderson (ar McKenney, Mc- Kenny, McKiney)=--- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 18, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863; to Co. I, March 19, 1863. Nurse at Frank Ramsey Hospital, Loudon, Tenn., June 30, 1863. On detail as nurse in Cassville, Ga., hospital March - April 1864. Discharged, having been elected clerk Superior Court of Towns Co., Ga., in spring of 1864. Enlisted as a private in Co. F, 11th Regiment Ga. Cavalry, May 25, 1864. Clothing was issued to him September 30, 1864. (Born in Rabun Co., Ga., April 14, 1826. Died at Cedartown, Ga., July 25, 1901.) Meclure, L. C. -- See McClure. Mashburn, Peter---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 11, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Sick in Loudon, Tenn., hospital, April 27, 1863. Sick in Chattanooga, Tenn., hospital, July 5, 1863. Died in hospital, Chattanooga, Tenn., July 10, 1863 : Miller, Eli---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 6, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May 1, 1865. Murray, W. C. --- private October 11, 1863. Deserted November 26, 1863. No later record. Night, William---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted at Loudon, Tenn., April 5, 1863. Odom, William M. (or Odum)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. On detached service at Loudon, Tenn., working on stockade, April 27, 1863. Deserted from Loudon, Tenn., June 27, 1863. Odom, Wyley P. -- See Odum. Odum, Wyley P. (or Odom, or Wiley P.)---- private in Co. F, 6th Regiment Ga. Cavalry. Roll for January and February 1864, shows he transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., February 1, 1864. Does not appear on rolls of this regiment. Deserted February 10, 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., at Chattanooga, Tenn., April 16, 1864. Parris, Peter---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Absent sick, April 16, 1863. Deserted May 23, 1864. Patterson, A. J. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 10, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Absent, sick in Loudon, Tenn., hospital, April 27, 1863. Sick in hospital, Knoxville, Tenn., August 1863. In Atlanta, Ga., hospital October 1863. In General Hospital No. 2, Savannah, Ga., December 1863. Patterson, G. D. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 12, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863; to Co. I, March 19, 1863. Deserted March 25, 1863. Pearson, J. R. --- private. Name appears only on prisoner of war record which shows that he was captured near Jonesboro, Ga., September 2, 1864, and was exchanged at Rough and Ready, Ga., September 21, 1864. Petty, Daniel W. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 9, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Absent, sick in Loudon, Tenn., hospital, April 27, 1863. Detailed for hospital duty at Loudon, Tenn., June 4, 1863 Detailed nurse in Loudon, Tenn., hospital, July 1863. In C. S. Army Hospital, Jackson, Miss., February 1865. Died in Murray Co., Ga., April 30, 1913. Pickelsimer, A. D. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted from Cumberland Gap, Tenn., November 17, 1863. Picklesimer, David---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted from Loudon, Tenn., April 5, 1863. Pinkerton, N. J. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 12, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted May 23, 1864. Prewit, A. C. (or Pruett)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Absent, sick in Loudon, Tenn., hospital, June 1863. Roll for August 31, 1864, last on file, shows him present. Prewit, James S. (or Pruett)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., February 10, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. On detached duty as wagoner in Loudon, Tenn., April 27, 1863. Wounded in hand and sent to Knoxville, Tenn., hospital, August 1863. Deserted June 29, 1864. Returned to duty from hospital and never reported. Prewit, Thomas S. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. On detached service at Loudon, Tenn., as wagoner, April 27, 1863. Deserted to the enemy November 26, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., February 14, 1864. Pension record states he was home on sick furlough at close of war. (Born June 19, 1836. Died in Fannin Co., Ga., March 23, 1908.) Query, William R. --- private April 20, 1863. Sick in Knoxville, Tenn., hospital, August 1863. Died in Roy Hospital, Atlanta, Ga., September 30, 1863. Ray, Nathan---- private September 5, 1863. Deserted November 26, 1863. Dropped from roll February 1864. Rhoades, James--- See Rhodes. Rhodes, George L. --- private in Anderson's Co., Cavalry Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 15, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted February 10, 1864. Rhodes, James T. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 3, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted June 25, 1863. Rhodes, J. --- private. Captured. Died at Camp Douglas, Ill. Roberson, John J. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., June 16, 1862. Absent without leave December 15, 1862 - February 25, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted near Bell Bridge, Tenn., August 14, 1863. Shope, William T. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863; to Co. B, Walkers Battn., Thomas Legion, N. C. Troops in exchange for private W. L. Brown, July or August 1863. Simpson, James---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 3, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Detailed as cooper in Athens, Tenn., August 1863. De- serted to the enemy February 10, 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., at Chattanooga, Tenn., May 15, 1864. Smith, Hawkins---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Sparks, John J. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Appointed 1st Corporal April 8, 1863. On detached service in Fannin Co., Ga., to arrest deserters for 30 days beginning August 19, 1863. Paroled at Greensboro, N. C., May l, 1865. Tague--- See Teague.. Teague, Elijah (or Tague)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 3, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted July 3, 1864. Captured near Marietta, Ga., July 3, 1864, and sent to Camp Douglas, Ill., prison. Released June 6 or 16, 1865. In Branch A, U. S. Army Post Hospital, Louisville, Ky., as charity patient with scurvy, June 21, 1865. Teague, William---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., September 8, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted at Loudon, Tenn., March 12, 1863. Thomas, John---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Absent without leave December 2, 1862 - February 14, 1863. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted at Kingston, Ga., June 25, 1863. No later record. Tillson, Jacob---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Appointed 4th Corporal January 1, 1864. Deserted February 26, 1864. Tillson, William---- private in Inf. Battn., Smiths Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Wounded July 22, 1864, and left on battlefield in enemy hands. Trammell, J. E. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf. March 1863. Deserted at Knoxville, Tenn., May 9, 1863. Wallace, A. J. (or Wallis)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 30, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted August 12, 1863. Rejoined company. Deserted March 15, 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Govt., at Chattanooga, Tenn., March 30, 1864. Warren, Aaron---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted July 3, 1863, at Loudon, Tenn. Weaver, Burton (or Birton)---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., June 8, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Wounded through left hip and permanently disabled near Marietta, Ga., July 4, 1864. Roll dated July - August 1864, last on file, shows him absent, wounded in hospital. Pension record shows he was cut off from command by Federal Army while at home on wounded furlough in 1864. Enlisted in Co. A, 9th Regiment Ga. Militia, November 1864. Surrendered at Kingston, Ga., May 12, 1865. Whitfield, John B. --- private 1862. Discharged, under-age. Pension record shows he enlisted as a private in Co. K, 10th Regiment Ga. Cavalry in 1864. Transferred to Captain Talbot's Co., Ga. State Troops, Cavalry Scouts in 1865. Surrendered at Milledgeville, Ga., May 1865. Not found on official records of any of these units. (Born in Jasper Co., Ga., in 1847.) Williams, Shelton---- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., May 14, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Deserted from Knoxville, Tenn., May 9, 1863. Woody, C. R. --- private in Inf. Battn., Smith's Legion, Ga. Vols., July 4, 1862. Transferred to Co. B, 65th Regiment Ga. Inf., March 1863. Appointed 4th Sergeant April l, 1864. Absent without leave June 23, 1864. No later record. This file has been created by a form at File size: 36.5 Kb