Fayette County GaArchives Military Records.....Fayette Dragoons, 53rd Georgia Militia June 14 1836 Indian - Rosters 53rd Regiment Georgia Militia, Company 3, "Fayette Dragoons" ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Ayres WwLSARANDOLPH@aol.com December 17, 2003, 7:24 pm “The Fayette Dragons” 53rd Georgia Militia Fort Twigg Jun 14, 1836 Stinson, William Captain Coker, William W. 1st Lieutenant Gay, Thomas B Manager [Born May 15, 1791, died Oct 1, 1864, Fayette County Georgia] Allen, Coleman [Born 1792, died 1856 in Clayton County Georgia] Andrews, James Ardey, Robert Bailey, Charles Bethune, Malcolm Brown, Pinkley G Bryne, Thomas Carter, Jesse Cox, Samuel Crittendon, Joseph H Davis, Lewis [Lewis Davis in thought to have died in Heard County, Georgia] Denham, Alfred Early, John S [Born 1814, died during the Civil War in Georgia] Early, Joseph J Fitzgerald, Phillip Gay, G.H Gay, Isaac P [Brother to Thomas B. Gay] Glass, Elijah P [Born 1816, died 1877, Clayton County Georgia] Head, Daniel B [Born 1803, died 1877, in Etowah County, Alabama] Head, James H [Born 1808, died 1863, Pike County Georgia] Head, William R [Born Apr 24, 1798, died Jan 17, 1849, buried Fayette County Georgia] Hill, John [Born Nov 13, 1813, died Aug 28, 1864, buried Fayette County Georgia] Hill, William [Born Nov 22, 1800, died Nov 11, 1881, buried Heard County Georgia] Holt, Elijah Hulsey, Asa Hulsey, Charles Hulsey, William [The Hulsey brothers were the sons of Asa Hulsey Sr. who died in Walker County Alabama] King, George C Knowles, Benjamin P [Born Oct 29, 1796, died Feb 23, 1839, Fayette County Georgia] Knowles, Rice P [Born Aug 18, 1807, died Sep 28, 1875, McLennan, Texas] Knowles, William B. [Born Nov 11, 1815, died Sep 16, 1881, Leake Mississippi] Lamberth, Edwin [Born Jul 10, 1817, died Jan 29, 1895, buried Tallapoosa County Alabama] Lamberth, William [Blue] [Born 1815, died 1886, buried Cass County Texas] McBride, Andrew [Born 1805, died 1878, buried McBride Cemetery Fayette County Georgia] McBride, William [Born 1800, died 1878, Haralson County, Georgia McElroy, John Maddox, H.D. Martin, Samuel Page, G.H Pate, Abram Pate, Seaborn Reeves, O.W Simmons, William Shaddox, John Ward, William Weaver, James Weaver, Peter Webb, A.B West, Windom Westmoreland, Calvin [Born 1811, died after 1880 in Georgia] Whitaker, John This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/gafiles/ File size: 2.8 Kb