Midway Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery Inscriptions Floyd County, GA The Rome Midway Primitive Baptist Church Cemetary is easy to locate - it is actually located on Hwy.27. From Atlanta, going North on I-75, get off at the Adairsville exit. turn left, you should be on 140 Hwy.go straight at redlight, it will then seem as though you drive forever in the middle of no where. Just follow the road ,eventually, you will come to the intersection of Hwy.140 and Hwy.53 there is a redlight here and a Texaco gas station.Go straight through at the redlight. You will still be on Hwy.140,again follow the road, you will eventually come to a dead end where you must turn. There is no redlight here only a stop sign, so be careful. Turn left , you will go less than 1/2 mile- it's right there after you turn ,it will be on the right hand side of the road on a hill. You will probably see the white church building instead of the graveyard from the road. There is about 189 graves with one unmarked and one marked only with plastic flowers.The other graves appear to be in good shape . The following surnames were recorded here: ABLES,ALDRIDGE,BENNETT,BOATFIELD,BRAMLETT,BROOM,CALDWELL, CAMP,CARTER,CLARK,CONWAY,COOK,CREAMER,CRUMLEY,DAVIS, DEWBERRY,DURHAM,ELLIS,FIELDING,FLOYD,GATTY,GREENLEAF,HARBOUR ,HEADRICK,HEGWOOD,HOLBERT,HORD,JAMES,JOHNSON,MCDONALD, NICHOLSON,PADGETT,PATTERSON,PLEDGER,REDMOND,REYNOLDS, ROGERS,SEARCY,SHAW,SMITH,THOMAS,THORNTON,THURSTON,WALLS, WIGINGTON,WEEMS,WILSON,WIMPEE,WINSLETT,YARBROUGH,YOUNGBLOOD ABLES, Buldger J. 3/14/1893 to 4/18/1973 ABLES, Mary Lou 10/17/1889 to 2/17/1922 inscription reads " at last we're at peace" ALDRIDGE, Visie J. 6/19/1863 to 2/13/1936 BENNETT, Chris Floyd 6/14/1959 to 6/5/1959 BOATFIELD, Minnie Lou 1936 to 1994 BRAMLETT, Mary F. Caldwell 4/11/1880 to 11/12/1923 inscribed "mother" BROOM, Birma B. 8/19/1906 to 9/8/1995 BROOM, Charley I. 2/9/1876 to 4/1/1947 BROOM, Ellen 10/13/1879 to 4/12/1912 BROOM Susan A.E 6/17/1837 to 10/28/1912 inscribed "our loved one" BROOM,Janie L. 7/31/1885 BROOM,W.M. Grady 11/26/1900 to 2/10/1968 married 6/10/1923 CALDWELL, Alfred P. 1906 to 1983 CALDWELL, Berta S. 2/11/1909 to 5/28/1969 inscribed "at rest" CALDWELL, Clara E. 3/15/1875 to 12/11/1954 CALDWELL, E.T. 5/13/1855 to 6/17/1932 CALDWELL, Gertrude H. 1908 to 1967 CALDWELL, Henry 7/8/1918 to 12/3/1925 inscription reads"gone but not forgotten" CALDWELL, Hermon Leroy 4/2/1941 to 4/8/1941 inscription reads"our darling" CALDWELL, Inf. son of Mr. & Mrs.A.F.Caldwell (no date given) CALDWELL, J.H. 9/27/1859 to 4/14/1941 Lucinda his wife 10/21/1860 to 1/11/1921 inscription reads"father and mother" (also partially illegible): "and when our ? all are o're then may we p ?? no more" CALDWELL, Lizzie Yarbrough 11/20/1880 to 6/18/1924 inscription reads "mother wife of A.F. Caldwell " CALDWELL, Alfred Frank 1/9/1881 to 11/11/1977 inscribed "father" CALDWELL, Viola Johnson 11/24/1899 to 12/10/1984 inscribed "mother" these 3 were buried together and shared a headstone which also bore the inscripton : "A faithful father and a tender mother" CALDWELL, Loyd C. 10/10/1905 to 11/19/1985 inscribed"at rest" CALDWELL, Lula E. Clemons 6/24/1881 to 10/29/1953 CALDWELL, Mabel Rowles 1916 to 1938 reads"gone but not forgotten" CALDWELL, Oother 7/26/1915 to 9/9/1928 inscription reads "gone but not forgotten" CALDWELL, Mable Thornton 10/31/1910 to 12/14/1932 inscription reads"mother & infant son wife of C.M. Caldwell " ( she was buried alone, the 3 people below were together ) CALDWELL, Clarence M. 9/22/1910 to 9/15/1993 CALDWELL, Thelma I. Woods 3/11/1906 to 6/6/1950 reads"mother" CALDWELL, Sarah S. 7/23/1848 to 9/26/1917 CALDWELL, Samantha G. 12/10/1882 to 8/3/1961 CALDWELL, Thomas L. 4/9/1886 to 3/5/1970 their headstone reads "at rest" CALDWELL, Thomas A. 12/19/1926 to 1/15/1973 CALDWELL, Mrs. Thomas 1882 to 1961 Marcus E. 9/15/1902 to 8/22/1959 ( no surname given, grave was between Caldwell and Camp ) CAMP, China E. 12/5/1897 to 4/28/1984 CAMP, Patrick H. 12/2/1866 to 1/21/1935 CAMP, Kimberly Mae 12/31/1965 to 9/11/1984 reads "in loving memory" CARTER, Betty Caldwell 12/26/1939 CLARK, Alice Ables 7/20/1912 to 4/14/1987 reads"wife" CLARK Sr. Charles 11/6/1907 to 11/30/1980 reads "husband" CLARK Martha Ables Brewer 12/24/1916 to 9/11/1993 inscription reads "we shall meet again" CLARK Jr. Charles "BO" 3/15/1932 to 7/7/1981 inscription reads "how great thou art" also plaque- "A2C US Air Force Korea" CONWAY, Winston E. 10/21/1916 to 11/19/1978 CONWAY, Wynette 4/11/1952 to 4/7/1970 their headstone reads "The kiss of the sun for pardon,the song of the birds for mirth one is nearer God's heart in a garden then any where else on Earth" COOK, James F. 9/8/1950 to 1/7/1989 reads"perfect peace" COOK, Sherry Kay 1/17/1952 reads "together forever" ( they have a very beautiful headstone that also gives their wedding date-2/19/1988) CREAMER, Oliver Thomas 6/28/1915 to 4/14/1988 also a plaque that reads "Us Army world war II) CREAMER, Parthena Elizabeth 1/31/1921 to 12/2/1997 inscriptions reads "Tennie" CREAMER, Oliver DeForest 12/30/1942 to 11/23/1974 inscription reads "brother" also plaque reads"PFC US Army" CREAMER, Carlotte Moynell 8/7/1940 to 11/7/1940 CRUMLEY, CJ 1900 to 1958 CRUMLEY, Martha Ann 10/21/41 to 2/20/42 CRUMLEY Nellie E. 1913 to 1993 DAVIS, Betty 4/13/1937 to 5/5/1938 inscription reads "daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Davis" DAVIS, Daisy B. 5/15/1906 (fresh looking grave--no date given) DAVIS,Gilbert H. 5/6/1901 to 6/10/1993 inscription gives their wedding date-married 6/24/1923 DAVIS, Ralph 12/20/1932 inscription reads "son of Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Davis" DAVIS, Ronald Christopher 7/27/1972 to 7/30/1972 inscription reads"son of Ronald and Collette Davis" DAVIS, Francis M. 5/10/1873 to 1/8/1958 reads "father" DAVIS, Laura Ella Long 5/11/1875 to 3/14/1950 reads "mother" DEWBERRY,Charlie E. 4/13/1875 to 12/2/1944 DEWBERRY, Julia A. 9/4/1875 to 8/7/1960 DURHAM, Frances E. died 1921 inscription reads" daughter" ELLIS, Will died 1914 inscription reads " father" (the above 2 were buried together no other date given John was buried alone but was the next grave over) ELLIS, John W. 1872 to 1946 reads "gone but not forgotten" FIELDING, Aaron R. 4/2/1883 to 11/5/1940 large memorial headstone reads "woodmen of the world memorial he is not dead but sleepeth" FIELDING, Minnie C. 3/22/1880 to 7/7/1955 inscription reads " wife of A.R. Fielding rest in peace " FLOYD, Alva Mae Hicks 11/15/1922 to 11/21/1950 inscription reads "in loving memory wife of Raymond G.Floyd " FLOYD, Anthony L. 7/13/63 to 10/1/90 FLOYD, Artie L. 7/12/1881 to 11/5/1955 FLOYD, Minnie L. 3/25/1890 to 9/30/1934 the inscription on their headstone reads"a faithful father and tender mother" FLOYD, Catherine Lavenia 6/29/1922 to 2/26/1995 inscription reads "sister" FLOYD, Clara M. 3/1/1904 to 6/29/1996 FLOYD, Cora L. 12/5/1911 to 6/28/1989 reads "wife" FLOYD, Ralph H. 3/17/1911 Reads "husband" their headstone reads "gone but not forgotten" FLOYD, Davis Ada 7/28/1877 to 7/15/1960 reads "mother" FLOYD, Walter P. 7/5/1877 to 8/7/1924 reads" father" FLOYD, Donna Sue 11/1/1939 FLOYD, Raymond G. 5/6/1916 their headstone reads "not my will but thine be done. married 5/7/1994 " FLOYD, Eli P. 11/22/1845 to 12/27/1922 FLOYD, Mollie A. 11/3/1858 to 10/9/1913 their headstone reads"far from the world of toil and strife, they are present with the Lord" FLOYD, Gene Barton 3/17/1903 to 4/24/1948 FLOYD, Harold L. 4/21/1939 to 4/25/1987 reads " husband dad gone but not forgotten" FLOYD,Helen 4/16/1928 to 4/25/1928 reads"gone to be an angel" FLOYD, infant 4/24/1943 son of Mr. &Mrs. Raymond G. Floyd inscription reads "gone to be an angel" FLOYD,Minnie Alice 1/6/1884 to 8/11/1977 reads "sister" FLOYD, Roy P. 11/30/1898 to 9/11/1976 GATTY, Ronnie Lee reads "born and died 4/29/1957 GATTY, Kathryn V. 9/7/1926 to 8/13/1985 reads " gone but not forgotten" GREENLEAF, Scott Xavier 8/21/1996 to 8/21/1996 reads "always and forever" HARBOUR, Bertice Floyd 8/31/1898 to 7/9/1943 reads "mother" HARBOUR, Winton Tillman 8/22/1898 to 4/11/1934 reads "father" HARBOUR, Lois M. 2/1/1934 HEADRICK, Myrtle N. 6/20/1915 to 8/29/1974 footstone contains all info except surname which was the only info on headstone HEGWOOD, Mattie A. 11/16/1882 to 8/15/1973 HOLBERT, Bessie Mae J. 1905 to 1967 reads "she lives on in our memory" HOLBERT, Claude C. 10/6/1902 to 11/2/1971 reads "rest in peace" HOLBERT, Wiley F. 8/7/1946 HORD, Emma 2/4/1874 to 5/17/1948 HORD, W.G. 7/12/1872 to 2/27/1942 their headstone reads"a christian wife and husband" JAMES, Steven W. 11/25/1994 to 11/25/1994 inscription reads "our little angel gone but not forgotten" JOHNSON, Cornelia Bradley 1857 to 1927 JOHNSON Jr., Clyde Hubert 2/15/1926 to 11/25/1931 reads"darling we miss you" JOHNSON Jr., Edwin E. 11/6/1928 to 7/26/1948 reads "our father" JOHNSON, Ernest Louis 11/23/1912 to 5/13/1991 plaque reads "US Army W W II purple heart " JOHNSON, Ethel Viola Peters 7/8/1884 to 9/18/1922 inscription reads " wife of Clay P. Johnson" JOHNSON, George M. 12/26/1884 to 6/10/1956 reads "father" JOHNSON, Minnie E. 7/1/18884 to 10/20/1984 JOHNSON, Hershell 12/28/1915 to 1/7/1916 JOHNSON, infant 8/7/1924 reads"infant daughter of Mr.&Mrs.GM.Johnson JOHNSON, James Milton 1856 to 1945 JOHNSON, Russell 12/28/1915 to 12/28/1915 MCDONALD, Herman A. 12/28/1926 to 9/30/1928 NICHOLSON, Julius A. 7/22/1881 to 7/6/1938 NICHOLSON, Minnie Lee O. 4/12/1891 to 9/16/1969 their headstone reads"gone but not forgotten" PADGETT, Thelma H. 9/7/1903 to 4/13/1979 PATTERSON,Jim P. 2/9/1918 reads"husband" PATTERSON, Mary A. 12/24/1916 PLEDGER, Gretha Smith 12/10/1908 to 9/27/1983 PLEDGER, Thomas F. 2/19/1908 to 11/19/1978 headstone gives marriage date : 12/24/1927 PLEDGER, Saphronia House 10/29/1884 to 1/16/1962 PLEDGER, William Bunyan 6/4/1882 to 11/26/1965 their headstone reads " asleep in Jesus" PLEDGER, WB. 10/5/1924 to 5/29/1925 REDMOND, Clyde Floyd 5/18/1920 to 8/21/1921 headstone reads " budded on Earth to bloom in heaven" REDMOND, Edith Annette 5/31/1916 to 6/4/1921 headstone reads " a fair bud of promise never bloomed" REYNOLDS, Addison F. 4/4/1866 to 2/19/1941 REYNOLDS, Bratton C. 11/7/1889 to 11/?/1969 REYNOLDS J. Forrest 2/12/1889 to 1/31/1937 ROGERS, Anna Mae 4/29/1909 -(fresh looking grave observed on 11/30/1998 but no date given) reads"mother" ROGERS, John D. 5/4/1918 to 5/15/1972 reads"father" their headstone reads"God needed us in a better place" ROGERS, DeAlva C. 1907 to 1977 ROGERS, Wm. Henry 1907 to 1972 (Wm. &DeAlva buried together) ROGERS, Henrietta Marlene 11/28/1933 to 11/8/1934 her headstone reads "our darling one has gone before to greet us on the blissful shore" ROGERS, Stella Edna 10/20/1925 to 7/29/1993 reads "in God's care" SEARCY, JP. 11/9/1844 to 12/28/1917 reads"husband" SEARCY, Mrs. JP. 1845 to 1938 SEARCY, MA. 1/6/1845 to 5/11/1933 reads"wife" SHAW, Ellis J. 1875 to 1947 SHAW, Elmas 1932 to 1932 SHAW, Hattie M 1907 to 1984 SHAW, Polly 1957 to 1957 SHAW, Sarah 1928 to 1928 SMITH, Alice Salmon 9/7/1865 to 2/12/1933 SMITH, Sabrina Nacole 6/21/1988 to 11/27/1988 headstone reads "our little angel,you're with us always love,mama,daddy,and sister THOMAS, Mr. William H. "Dub" 11/22/1923 to 6/27/1998 THORNTON, Mary V. 1880 to 1936 THORNTON, Wyatt P. 1877 to 1936 THURSTON, Sallie N. 10/29/1903 to 5/16/1980 reads "mother" THURSTON, Tommy R. 6/30/1900 to 4/16/1963 reads "father" WALLS, Mildred E. 1931- (no other date given) WALLS, W. Elwin "Bill" 7/10/1930 to 3/15/1985 reads "daddy" their wedding date inscribed on headstone "12/23/49" WEEMS, Michael Henry 4/3/1948 to 10/3/1994 WIGINGTON, Velma Caldwell 9/8/1909 (no other date) reads"our beloved mother" WILLIS, Donald W. 1911 to 1971 WILLIS, Emma D. 1913 to 1987 their headstone reads "gone but not forgotten" WILSON, George M. 4/9/1902 to 3/21/1966 WILSON, Mattie L. 6/7/1915 to 9/23/1990 WIMPEE, Addie Floyd 8/28/1874 to 3/23/1967 WIMPEE, William G. 4/28/1868 to 11/24/1942 their headstone reads"a faithful father and a tender mother" WIMPEE, Clyde G. 3/7/1901 to 5/29/1986 WIMPEE, Zeo H. 6/3/1910 to 7/13/1991 their headstone gives date of marriage "3/21/1967" WIMPEE, Howard N. 1/17/1899 to 11/20/1922 headstone reads "gone but not forgotten" WINSLETT,C.Wayne 1/12/1946 (no other date given) footstone reads"C.W." WINSLETT, Leola Y. 6/21/1941 (no other date given) footstone reads "LOLO" YARBROUGH,Addie 1879 to 1923 YARBROUGH, Miss Betty Ann 1942 to 1984 YARBROUGH, Bob 1873 to 1943 YARBROUGH, Edward 9/14/1909 to 2/9/1994 YARBROUGH, Katie 4/2/1911 to 11/29/1983 their headstone reads" in loving memory married 12/9/1931" YARBROUGH, Eunice Lee 8/10/1906 to 12/3/1983 YARBROUGH, Reuben Cooper 2/2/1914 to 1/31/1986 their headstone gives marriage date "9/2/1933" YARBROUGH, Irene 1/22/1917 to 5/17/1984 YARBROUGH, O.C. 1935 to 1940 YARBROUGH, Ricky Walter 6/28/1956 to 6/28/1956 reads "infant" YARBROUGH, Shirley Mae 10/19/1940 to 4/14/1986 YARBROUGH, W. Herschel 9/5/1936 to 10/22/1996 their headstone gives marriage date "9/10/1955" YOUNGBLOOD,Bunnie B. 9/2/1903 to 7/20/1987 YOUNGBLOOD, Ralph 8/21/1938 to 5/12/1939 YOUNGBLOOD, R. Plennie 3/7/1889 to 5/12/1939 YOUNGBLOOD, Robert P. 8/22/1927 to 10/3/1997 reads "paw paw" plaque reads "CPL. US Army W W II " YOUNGBLOOD, Willene H. 8/16/1930 (no other date) reads "mom" ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sharon McRee sharonmc@wavegate.com ====================================================================