FLOYD COUNTY, GA - CEMETERIES Old Antioch Cemetery (Texas Valley Rd) Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Emily O'Neal eboneal@comcast.net Table of Contents page: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/floyd.htm Georgia Table of Contents: http://www.usgwarchives.net/ga/gafiles.htm OLD ANTIOCH CEMETERY 4054 Big Texas Valley Rd. on grounds of Rocky Mountain Recreation Area Cooper, Opal Ellenburg Aug. 20, 1912-July 3, 1940 Davis, Annie R. June 4, 1872-Sept. 11, 1960 Davis, John May 16, 1842-Mar. 24, 1922(on marker with Mattie A.) Davis, John H. Jan. 9, 1867-Sept. 14, 1940 (on marker w/Annie R.) Davis, Laura M. May 3, 1861-July 3, 1912 Davis, Mattie A Jan. 7, 1849-Oct. 16, 1928 Davis, W. T. Dec. 9, 1860-July 3, 1927 (on marker with Laura M.) Ellenburg, Archibald Co. I 55 Ala Inf CSA Apr. 4, 1839-Mar. 5, 1862 Ellenburg, Margaret J. Wife Of W.A. Ellenburg Born Oct. 24, 1868 Died June 30, 1915 "Mother" Ellenburg, Oscar N. Born May 20, 1901 Died Oct. 8, 1921 Ellenburg, W. A. Born Oct. 5, 1861 Died May 7, 1931 "Father" Gentry, Dee R. Jan. 1, 1906-Sept. 12, 1960 (on marker with Minnie D.) Gentry, Jesie Randal Mar. 26, 1873-Mar. 29, 1945(on marker with Nancy) Gentry, Minnie D. May 24, 1913-May 31, 1954 Gentry, Nancy Ida Payne May 23, 1878-Apr. 30, 1933 Griffin, Eufala Dumas July 27, 1908-May 13, 1956 Hill, Sybil Aileen Oct. 7, 1926-Jan. 25, 1929 Hoskins, McHenry Air Police SQ AF Dec. 2, 1936-July 28, 1958 Johnson, Mary Battey Oct. 18, 1865-Sept. 13, 1939 Murdock, Florence Jan. 19, 1855-Apr. 30, 1928 Murdock, Fred H. Feb. 22, 1909-Nov. 29, 1926 Murdock, Herman Ernest Oct. 2, 1877-June 10, 1962 Murdock, Martha Wife Of I. J. Murdock Born July 5, 1857 Died Feb. 9, 1911 Murdock, William Ernest Sept. 15, 1904-Aug. 15, 1939 Emily O'Neal 73 Surrey Trail Rome, GA 30161-5946 Phone 706-290-0710