Floyd County, Georgia INDEX TO MARRIAGE RECORDS Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm Transcribed by: Melanie Capps mmcapps@bellsouth.net The Floyd County, Georgia Courthouse has many marriage books that have indexes in the front of each book (for that book only). They also have 2 large index books for male and 2 large index books for female that summarize all of the other marriage books. The layout for these index books is shown below. Apparently this is a way to make similarly spelled names show up together, without sticking to a strict alphabetizing method. The earliest year listed in any of the sections I have is 1836. Most of the sections end around 1914, though some go further, and some end earlier. Notice that the page number pattern repeats in each major section of these books.There is much room for error, since this is a 2nd (or possibly even third) transcription. They may have been copied from the license to the book index, and then from the book index to the master index, and then typed here. Index A - K Alphabet Division First Letters of Surname Page Male Female A Aa-Ab-Ac-Ad-Ae-Af 1 Ag-Ah-Ai-Aj-Ak 1 Al 3 Am-An-Ao-Ap-Aq 5 Ar-As 7 At-Au-Av-Aw to Az 9 Ba Baa-Bab-Bac to Bai 11 Baj-Bak-Bal-Bam 11 Ban-Bao-Bap to Bar 13 * * Bas-Bat-Bau to Baz 15 * * Be Bea to Bec to Bee 17 Bef to Beh to Bel 17 Bem-Ben to Ber to Bez 19 * Bi Bia to Big to Bil 17 Bim-Bin to Bir to Biz 19 * Bl Bl 21 Bo Boa-Bob to Boe to Bol 23 * transcribed Bom-Bon-Boo to Bor 25 Bos to Bow to Boy-Boz 27 Br Bra 29 * Bre-Bri 31 Bro 33 Bru 35 Bry 31 Bu Bu 37 * * By By 19 Names beginning B not above classified37 * * Ca Caa to Cal-Cam 39 Can-Cao-Cap-Caq-Car 41 * * Cas-Cat-Cau to Caz 43 Ce-Ch-Ci Ce-Ch-Ci 45 Cl Cl 47 Co Coa-Cob-Coc to Col 49 Com-Con-Coo 51 * * Cop-Coq-Cor-Cos 53 * * Cot-Cou to Cox to Coz 53 * * Cr Cra to Cre-Cri 55 Cro to Cru 57 Cry 55 Cu-Cy Cu-Cy 59 Names beginning C not above classified59 Da Daa to Dan to Daq 61 Dar to Dau-Dav to Daz 63 De Dea to Dec to Del-Dem 65 Den to Dev to Dez 67 Di Dia to Dic to Dil-Dim 65 Din to Dix to Diz 67 Do Doa to Dol-Dom-Don 69 Doo to Dor-Dos-Dot 71 Dou to Dow to Doy-Doz 71 Dr Dr 73 Du-Dw Du-Dv-Dw 75 Dy Dx-Dy-Dz 75 Names beginning D not above classified75 E Ea-Eb-Ec-Ed 1 Ee-Ef-Eg-Eh-Ei-Ej-Ek 3 El 5 Em-En-Eo 7 Ep-Eq-Er 9 Es-Et-Eu-Ev 11 Ew-Ex-Ey-Ez 11 F Faa to Fai to Fal 13 Fam-Fan to Far to Faz 15 Fea to Fei to Fel 17 Fem-Fen to Fer to Fez 19 Fia to Fie to Fil 17 Fim-Fin to Fir to Fiz 19 Fl 21 Foa to Fol to Fop-Foq 23 For-Fos to Fox to Foz 25 Fr 27 Fu-Fy 29 Names beginning F not above classified29 G Gaa-Gab to Gal to Gaq 31 Gar to Gat to Gaz 33 Gea to Gen to Gep-q 35 Ger to Get to Gez 37 Gia-Gib to Gil to Giq 35 Gir to Giz 37 Gh-Gl-Gm-Gn 39 Goa to Gol to Gon 41 Goo to Gos to Goz 43 Gra-Gre-Gri-Gry 45 * transcribed Gro-Gru-Grz 47 Gu-Gw-Gy 49 Names beginning G not above classified49 Ha Haa-Hab-Hac-Had-Hae 51 Haf-Hag-Hah-Hai to Hal 51 Ham-Han-Hao to Haq 53 Har 55 Has-Hat to Hay-Haz 57 * * He Hea-Heb-Hec-Hed-Hee 59 * * Hef-Heg to Hei to Hel 59 * * Hem-Hen to Heq 61 Her-Hes to Hey-Hez 63 Hi Hia to Hig to hil 59 * * Him-Hin-Hio-Hip-Hiq 61 Hir-His-Hit to Hiz 63 Hy Hy 59 * * Ho Hoa-Hob-Hoc-Hod-Hoe 65 Hof to Hol to Hoo 65 Hop-Hoq-Hor-Hos-Hot 67 Hou to How to Hoz 67 Hu Hua-Hub to Hug to Hum 69 Hun to Hus-Hut to Huz 71 Names beginning H not above classified73 I Ia to Iz 75 J Ja 77 Je-Ji 79 Jo 81 Ju-Jy 83 Names beginning J not above classified83 K Ka 85 Kea to Kee to Kel-Kem 87 Ken to Ker to Key-Kez 89 Kia to Kie to Kil-Kim 87 Kin to Kir to Kiz 89 Kl-Km-Kn 91 Ko-Kp-Kq 93 Kr-Ks-Kt 95 Ku-Kv-Kw-Kx-Ky-Kz 97 Names beginning K not above classified97 Index L - Z Alphabet Division First Letters of Surname Page Male Female L Laa to Lai to Lam 1 Lan to Law to Laz 3 Lea to Lee to Lek 5 Lel-Lem-Len-Leo to Leq 7 Ler to Lev-Lew to Lez 9 Lia to Lig to Lik 5 Lil-Lim-Lin to Liq 7 Lir-Lis-Lit to Liz 9 Ll 13 Loa-Lob-Loc to Lom 11 Lon to Low to Loz 13 Ln-Ly 15 Names beginning L not above classified15 Ma Maa-Mab-Mac to Mal 17 Mam-Man-Mao-Map-Maq 19 Mar 21 Mas-Mat 23 Mau to May-Maz 25 Mc McA-McB 27 McC 29 McD-McE-McF 31 McG 33 McH-McI-McJ-McK-McL 35 McM-McN to McZ 37 Me Mea to Mel 39 Mem-Men-Meo-Mep-Meq 41 Mer-Mes_met to Mey-Mez 43 Mi Mia to Mic-Mid to Mil 39 Mim-Min-Mio-Mip-Miq 41 Mir-Mis-Mit to Miz 43 Mo Moa to Mon-Moo to Moq 45 Mor-Mos-Mot-Mou to Moz 47 Mu Mu 49 My My 43 Names beginning M not above classified51 N Na 53 Ne 55 Ni 57 No 59 Nu-Ny 61 Names beginning N not above classified61 O Oa to Ol 64 O'B to O'L 64 Om to Oz 65 O'M to O'Z 65 P Paa to Pal to Paq 67 Par-Pas-Pat-Pau to Paz 69 * * Pea to Pec to Pel 71 Pem-Pen-Peo-Pep-Peq 73 Per-Pes-Pet to Pez 75 Pf-Ph 77 Pia to Pic to Pil 71 Pim-Pin-Pio-Pip-Piq 73 Pir-Pis-Pit to Piz 75 Pl 77 Po 79 Pr 81 Pu-Py 83 Names beginning P not above classified83 Q Q 85 R Raa to Rad to Ram 87 Ran to Ray-Raz 89 Rea-Reb-Rec-Red 91 Ree to Rei to Rel 91 Rem-Ren to Rey-Rez 93 Rh 95 Ria to Ric to Ril 91 Rim-Rin to Rit to Riz 93 Ro 95 Ru-Ry 97 Names beginning R not above classified97 Sa Saa to Sal-Sam 1 Saint (St.) 1 San to Sau to Say-Saz 3 Sc Sca-Sce-Sci 5 Sco-Scr-u-y-z 5 Scha-Sche-Schi to Schk 7 Schl-Schm-Schn-Scho 9 Schp-Schq-Schr-Schs 9 Scht-Schu to Schz 9 Sh Sha-She-Shi 7 Shj to Sho to Shz 9 Se-Si Se-Si 11 Sk Sk-Sl 13 to Sm-Sn 15 Sz So 17 Sp-Sq 19 Sta-Ste-Sti 21 (St.) Saint 1 Sto-Str-Stu to Stz 23 Su-Sw 25 * * Sy 11 Sz 25 * * Names beginning S not above classified25 * * to Ta 27 Tea to Tee to Tem 29 Ten to Ter to Tez 31 Th 33 Tia-Tib to Til-Tim 29 Tin to Tip to Tiz 31 Tk-Tl-Tm-Tn 33 To 35 * transcribed Tr-Ts 37 Tu-Tw-Ty 39 Names beginning T not above classified39 U U 41 V Va 43 Ve-Vi-Vl 45 Vo-Vr-Vu-Vy 47 Names beginning V not above classified47 Wa Waa to Wag to Wal 49 Wam-Wan to War 51 Was-Wat to Waz 53 We Wea-Web-Wec-Wed 55 Wee-Wef-Weg-Weh 55 Wei-Wej-Wek 55 Wel 57 Wem-Wen to Wer-Wes 59 Wet to Wey-Wez 59 Wi Wia-Wib-Wic-Wid 55 Wie-Wif-Wig to Wik 55 Wil 57 Wim-Win to Wir-Wis 59 Wit to Wiy-Wiz 59 Wh Wh 61 Wo Wo 63 Wr-Wu Wr-Wu 65 Wy Wy 67 Names beginning W not above classified67 X X 69 Y Ya-Ye-Yi 71 Yo-Yu 73 Names beginning Y not above classified73 Z Za-b-c-d-e-f-g-h 75 Zi to Zo to Zy 77 Names beginning Z not above classified77