Civil War Deposition, James B ROACH, Forsyth County, Georgia ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Marsha Roach ==================================================================== Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives Copyright 1999 Marsha Roach My great-grandfather, James Berry Roach, of Forsyth County, Georgia, fought in the Confederacy and was wounded at Baker's Creek, MS in the Battle of Vicksburg and died of his wounds within a few weeks. I recently sent to the National Archives for his service record, which I received a couple of weeks ago. It included a lot of valuable information about how and where he was wounded. And it also included a copy of the following deposition made by my great-grandmother to claim any money due to him at the time of his death. I thought this deposition might be of interest to a few other Forsyth county families because several other names are mentioned. The copy of the deposition was very faint, so it required a lot of imagination, but the names are correct, I believe. I hope someone else finds this in some way helpful. Marsha Roach Transcription of deposition: Georgia, Forsyth County On this, the twelfth day of August, 1863 before me, the Subscriber and acting Justice of the Peace of said county, personally appeared Mary A. Roach who herewith deposes and says that she is the lawfull [sic] wife of James B. Roach, deceased of Capt. W. S. Monroe's Company D, 56th Regiment, Georgia Volunteers, commanded by Col. E. P. Watkins, in the service of the Confederate States in the present war with the United. States. That the deceased James B. Roach entered the service at Campbell [illeg. Word], Georgia on the 7th Day of May, 1862, and died at Jackson, Miss. (of wound received in the battle at Baker's Creek, Miss) on the 1st day of July, 1863. That she makes this depposition [sic] for the purpose of obtaining from the government of the Confederate States whatever may have been due said deceased at the time of his death for services as a private aforesaid. Sworn to and subscribed Maryan Roach this before me Alex. W. Johnston, J.P. And on this the same day and year before me the same signed Subscriber and Justice of the Peace as aforesaid, personally appeared Sarah E. West and Charity Moon, who after being sworn according to law deposes and says that they are well acquainted with Mrs. Mary A. Roach, the Claiment, and well knew for several years James B. Roach the deceased soldier herein mentioned and that the statement made in the forgoing affidavit by Mrs. Mary A. Roach as to her relationship to said deceased soldier is correct in every particular to the best of their knowledge and belief and that they, the same Sarah E. West and Charity Moon, are wholly disinterested (?), Sworn to and subscribed before me Sarah E. West Alex.W. Johnston, J.P. Charity Moon I, Alex W. Johnston, an acting Justice of the Peace of Forsyth County, Georgia, do hereby certify that Sarah E. West and Charity Moon are persons of truth (?) and veracity (?) and that full faith and credit should be given their affidavit. As such given under my hand and seal. Aug. 12, 1863 Alex. W. Johnston, J.P. W. D. Beatty, Clerk Superior Court of Forsyth County, Georgia does hereby certify that Alex. W. Johnston whose signature is officialy subscribed is on the forgoing affidavit and certificate is a regular acting Justice of the Peace of said county, duly commissioned and sworn at the time of signing the same, and that full faith and credit should be given his attestations as such. Given under my hand and seal of office, Aug. 12, 1863 W.D. Beatty, Clk,S.C.