Franklin-Clarke County GaArchives Deed.....Georgia, University Of - Georgia, State Of February 25 1784 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beth Collins November 18, 2004, 3:45 pm Written: February 25 1784 Recorded: September 24 1784 Georgia Surveyor General, Register of Grants, Book DDD, p. 470 State of Georgia By the Honorable John Houstoun Esquire Captain General Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Said State. To all to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting: Know Ye that in pursuance of an Act of the General Assembly passed on the twenty fifth day of February one thousand Seven hundred and eighty five and by virtue of the powers in me vested I Have by and with the advice and Consent of the Honorable the Executive Council given and Granted and by these presents in the name and behalf of the Said State Do give and Grant unto the following persons in trust and as a public body constituted by the said act of assembly for the purpose of erecting and endowing a Colledge or seminary of learning in the Said State. That is to say, unto his Honor the Governor for the time being and John Houstoun, James Habersham, William Few, Joseph Clay, Abraham Baldwin, William Houstoun, and Nathan Brownson, Esquires, Trustees nominated in the said act and to their Successors in office forever, under and agreeable to the directions of the Said Law, and the future Regulations of the Legislature, All that Tract or parcel of Land Containing five thousand acres, Situate, lying, and being, in the County of Franklin in the Said State , and butting and bounding on all sides by vacant land, having such shape form and marks as appear by a plat of the same hereunto annexed. Together with all and Singular the rights members and appurtenances thereof whatsoever to the said Tract or parcel of land, belonging or in any wise appertaining. To Have and to Hold the said Tract or parcel of land and all and Singular the premises aforesaid with their and every of their rights, members and appurtenances unto the said trustees and to their Successors in office as aforesaid, and to and for the use and behoof of the Public in manner before set forth and as shall be agreeable to Law and the intent and meaning of the said Trust forever ---- Given under my hand in Council and the great Seal of the Said State this Twenty first day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty four and in the Ninth Year of American Independence. Signed by his Honor the Governor in Council the 21st September 1784 J. Houstoun Wm Freeman D.C.E.C. Registered 24th Sept 1784. Additional Comments: University of Georgia land grant. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb