Franklin County GaArchives Obituaries.....Bowers, Luke April 13, 1912 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Alisa Dunn December 25, 2024, 4:12 pm The Lavonia Times, April 19, 1912 Laviona Times--April 19, 1912 Mr. Luke Bowers of Canon Dies in Birmingham The news of the unexpected death of Mr. Luke Bowers has cast a gloom over the town of Canon. Mr. Bowers died Saturday morning April 13th, after an illness of typhoid lasting two weeks. The news of his death came as a thunderbolt to the family at Canon none of whom realized the seriousness of his condition. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nehemiah Bowers of Canon and was about 21 years of age. He was an expert mechinist and had gone to Birmingham several months ago to assist in the manufacture of the Bowers Cotton Seed Culler. He was taken ill some days ago. His family at Canon was informed of his illness. They were not informed as to the seriousness of his condition till on Wednesday of last week. His father, Mr. Nehemiah Bowers went to Birmingham on Thursday and was with him til the end came on Saturday morning. His remains were brought to Canon on Sunday night and interred in the cemetery at Canon on Monday afternoon. Mr. Bowers was an intelligent young man. He leaves a father and mother and some brothers. He had worked much with his father in the Bowers Machine Works at Canon. He had natural ability as a machinist and had applied himself assiduously to this branch. He was carried to Birmingham to superintend the manufacture of cotton seed cullers and it was while engage3d in this work that he was taken with his last illness. He has many friends in this section who sympathize with the parents and other relatives in this hour of sadness. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb