Glynn-Clarke County GaArchives Obituaries.....Hart, James William May 29, 1914 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Amy Hedrick March 25, 2006, 2:30 am The Brunswick News; Thursday 4 June 1914; pg. 8 col. 2 FUNERAL OF PROF. J. WILLIAM HART—Sunday afternoon friends followed him to last resting place. The following from the Athens Banner tells of the funeral of Prof. J.W. Hart whose tragic death on Jekyl so shocked the people of Brunswick. “The funeral of Prof. James William Hart was held Sunday afternoon at six o’clock at Emmanuel church, of which he had been a member since coming to Athens. “Scores of sorrowing friends had sent beautiful floral tributes in token of their grief and the floral offering of the State College of Agriculture of which institution’s faculty he had been a popular member, was one of the loveliest ever seen here. “The large auditorium of Emmanuel church was filled to its capacity. Prof. Hart had been a resident of Athens for only a few years, but had made hundreds of warm friends, who deeply lamented his tragic taking off. “The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Troy Beatty, rector of Emmanuel church. The choir sang the songs, “Jesus, Lover of My Soul” and “Blest Be the Tie That Binds,” and Dr. Beatty read the solemn burial services of the church. “The casket was bourne to the hearse by the pall bearers, Dr. A.M. Soule, Prof. M.P. Jarnagin, Mr. M.P. O’Callahan, Dr. Coleman, Mr. C.A. Whittle, Mr. R.T. Goodwyn, Mr. P.W. Vanatter and Mr. J.C. Helmer. The remains were interred in Oconee cemetery. “No death has occurred in recent years that has thrown a greater gloom over Athens. Prof. Hart was one of the most popular of our citizens and together with his charming family enjoyed the friendship of hundreds of our best people. “He had left Athens only because his new position was by far a better position than he had and he deemed it his duty to go. But for the manifest advantages of his new position he would have remained here, for he was very fond of Athens and was deeply attached to his many friends. “Prof. Hart was a man in every way devoted to his duty. He never shirked anything that was in line with that duty when it became his duty to handle a delicate situation on Jekyl Island, he attempted to do so. He fell before the deadly fire of a misguided man and laid his life upon the altar of duty. In this sad hour it may not be much consolation to the bereaved ones but years hence it will be worth much to look back. Additional Comments: More Glynn County Genealogy & History can be found at or the sister site at File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.1 Kb