Glynn County GaArchives Obituaries.....Houston, James E. January 1, 1883 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Amy Hedrick November 1, 2006, 8:27 pm Advertiser & Appeal; Saturday 6 January 1883; pg. 7 cols. 1 & 2 DEATH OF JUDGE HOUSTON The city was thrown into a fever of excitement last Monday morning by the announcement that Judge James Houston was shot. Upon investigation, it was found to be only too true. The whole affair seems wrapped in mystery, as no possible theory as to how he came to his death can be formed that is satisfactory. We can only give what facts we have gleaned, leaving each one to make his own theory. Of but one thing are we sure, and that is that he came to his death by a bullet. The circumstances are these: After eating his breakfast, the Judge went back up stairs to his room, for what purpose is unknown. Shortly after, a little grand-daughter, going to his room, found him seated in a chair before the fire-place, and seeing that something was wrong, rushed down stairs and gave the alarm. Members of the family at once went to his room, and found him sitting in his chair as stated, his head thrown back, and the blood oozing from a wound in the head, on the right side, just above the ear, and his pistol, which had been placed on the mantel that morning, lying upon the hearth, the presumption being that the weapon from some cause fell from the mantel, and was discharged by the fall, inflicting a death- wound, as above stated. He lingered until three o’clock the next morning, and expired. This is all that is known as to how it happened. One of the strangest facts connected with the whole thing is that, notwithstanding there were people in the room below the one in which Judge Houston was, and others on the same floor with him, none of them heard the report of the pistol. Thus has gone a man whose place cannot be filled. Others, no doubt, can be found to perform the duties of Clerk and Treasurer of the city as well as he, but with him has died a fund of information touching the earlier history of our city that was nowhere else to be found. In his death we have lost a personal friend. The funeral took place from his late residence, and was attended by a large concourse of people, who followed him to his last resting- place. Additional Comments: More Glynn County Genealogy & History can be found at or the sister site at File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb