Glynn-Campbell-Mcintosh County GaArchives Obituaries.....King, Thomas Henry August 24, 1917 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: John B. King March 14, 2007, 9:23 am Death Certificate, Commonwealth of Virginia, 1917, certificate no. 23403 Thomas Henry King, born at Blacksburg, Montgomery County, Oct., 25, 1837, married Rachill R. Hubble, 1859.His parents were Henry Robert King and Jane Cunningham. He was 80 years and 10 months old at death. Physician S. M. Ford of Lebanon, Va., attended Thomas, last saw him alive Aug., 23, 1917. Thomas died at 5 (am or pm), cause Chronic Stitis & Autoiutox Cestion. Informant was J. W. Fsausegl. Primary registration district 83000. Thomas served in the 50th Virginia,Pvt., was in several battles, was captured at Spotsylvania Court House, Va., May 12, 1864.Released July 1865, after Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses Grant bringing the war to a close. These records from his application for pension of May 1902.His records were mostly destroyed at Richmond 1865.Henry Robert King, b-4-6-1810, Montgomery Co., Va. m-8-16-1836, d-10-3- 1900 at Rich Valley, Smyth County, Va. Jane Cunnningham, b-1812, Montgomery County, Va., d-6-1886 at Rich Valley, Smyth County, Va.I would like these records to be posted at Brunswick, Glynn County, Ga. Four members of my family are buried in unswick Memorial Park Cemetery, Brunswick, Glynn County, Ga. John B. King, Tampa, Fl. Thank you very much. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb