Glynn County GaArchives Wills.....Scott, Mary December 27, 1844 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Amy Hedrick August 2, 2005, 8:08 pm Source: Inventories & Appraisements Vol. E Pg. 53 Written: December 27, 1844 State of Georgia } Glynn County } December the twenty seventh one thousand Eight hundred and forty four. In the name of Almighty God Amen. I Mary Scott being in my perfect senses and right mind do execute my last will and Testament (to wit) To my daughter Amanda F. Woolley I give and bequeath the following named Negroe Slaves Jane, Allen, Mariah, Ellen, Lady, John, Ben, Sarah, Hester. The following named Negroe Slaves I also give to my daughter Amanda F. Woolley during her natural life and at her death then to go to my son A.C. Scott (to wit) Joe, also to my daughter A.F. Woolley I give all my household furniture and stock of every kind also all my ready money together with all that is now or may be due to me the first day of January next. Also all the property willd. to me by the late Mrs. Eliza Abrahams--To my son Alexander C. Scott I give the following Negroe Slaves (to wit) Carolina, Trecy, Nancy, Charles, Louisa, Hagar, Beck, William, Gim, and Manerver. To my Grand daughter Julia Ann Scott I give my Negroe girl Sharlett. To my Grand Son Thomas G. Scott I give my Negro boy Albert. To my Grand Son Alexander C. Scott I give my Negroes Jerry and Princess. I also give and bequeath to my son-in-law V. Woolley my Plantation in Glynn County with all its appurtenances containing ten hundred & Eighty acres. This I hereby declare to be my last will & Testament and revoking all others by me heretofore made or Executed in any former manner whatsoever. Mary Scott {LS} Signed Sealed in the presence of-- W. Tarkington Daniel X Brockington his mark Additional Comments: For more Glynn County genealogy & history visit or the sister site at File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb