Grady COUNTY GA Obituaries - Mrs. Jane Prevatt 1908 File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Janet Sumner ************************************************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ************************************************************************************************************** The Cairo Messenger, "Newsy Notes From Whigham" June 26, 1908 Mrs. Jane Prevatt died Saturday night, after several months suffering, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Harrell, in North Whigham. Mrs. Prevatt was about 75 years of age. She leaves two sons, Messrs. John and Dave Prevatt and one daughter, Mrs. Harrell to mourn her loss. Rev. Scoville conducted the burial services at Spring Hill cemetery, Sunday afternoon. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones.