Grady COUNTY GA Obituaries - Mrs. Dr. H. L. McElvy 1913 File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Janet Sumner ************************************************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for FREE access. ************************************************************************************************************** The Grady County Progress, May 23 1913 Monday evening May the 5th, the sweet and angelic spirit of Mrs. Dr. H. L. McElvy answered to the beckoning hand of the death angel and passed on to the great beyond, where all is peace, happpiness, and rest. Mrs. McElvy before her marriage was Miss P. A. Clinkscales, she was born August 26, 1846, in Abbyville, S.C. At an early age, she joined the Baptist church, and ever, afterwards lived a Christian life, casting sunshine and radiance about her in her home and among her many devoted friends. She was happily married to the late Dr. H. L. McElvy, Jan. 12, 1864, and was a wife, and sweet mother to the eight children who survived her. She suffered a great deal for some time before her death, but her beautiful christian character displayed itself in the last hours, even as it had all through life, and with perfect submission she answered the call of her Lord, who she had served so faithfully for many years. While the sorrowing loved ones miss her, and feel keenly the loss of mother; the dearest friend on earth, yet they have the consulation that she is at rest, and enjoying the bliss of the home where there is no sorrow, sickness, or care. Those who survive her are: Mrs. George Slott of Jacksonville, Fla., Mrs. W. C. Johnson, Beford, S. C., Mrs. J. W. Strange, Dexter, Ga., Mrs. W. L. Cannon, Columbia. S. C., Mrs. E. P. Trulock, Whigham, Ga., G. B. McElvy, Whigham, G. F. McElvy, Whigham, Ga., L. C. McElvy, Whigham. To whom we extend our most heartfelt sympathy and commend them to Him who is able to comfort, and sustain their greatest hour of sadness. The last sad rites were administered by the Rev. G. W. Stubbs at the Baptist Church, and the great throng of anxious people that filled the church to overflowing, and the beautiful floral offering, spoke more eloquently than words of the high esteem in which she was held. Her remains were interred in the Whigham cemetery, beside those of her husband who preceded her to the grave by only a few months, Tuesday May 6th at 4 p.m.