Grady County GaArchives Obituaries.....Rutherford, Mrs. George W. April 14 1914 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Sumner May 25, 2004, 5:38 pm The Cairo Messenger, April 17, 1914 Death of Mrs. Rutherford The death of Mrs. Geo. W. Rutherford occurred Tuesday morning about 11:30 o'clock at her home on North Broad Street. She had been slightly ill only for a day or so and had been up and about the house during the morning, and while returning from the backyard she was suddenly attacked with paralysis. A physician was summoned, but could not relieve her, and she passed away in about thirty minutes. Prior to her marriage to Dr. Rutherford about two months ago, she was the widow of Mr. E. F. Richter, one of Cairo's pioneer citizens, who died several years ago. She is survived by her husband and one son and one daughter, both of whom reside in the Northwest. Her children were notified of her death, and a message recieved from the son in Wisconsin states that he would leave at once for Cairo. The body is being held until his arrival, when the funeral arrangements will be made and announced. The Cairo Messenger, May 15, 1914 MRS. G. W. RUTHERFORD This lady who was former Mrs. D. D. Hawley and was mother of Mr. Burton S. Hawley and his sister, Mrs. Jennie A Walters, was born in Johnson, Vt., August 5th, 1836 and died at Cairo, Ga., April 14, 1914. Her original name was Malinda A. Heath. She was the youngest of six children born to Wells and Anna Heath, one sister and four brothers having passed away. She attended the schools in her native town and later the academy at Cambridge, Vt. Among her school mates were numbered George Dewey, now Admiral Dewey, Farwell Merriam, well remembered in Sparta the Furgusons, and others who became noted men. Her parents were of the sturdy Scotch and English type of those times, her father being a veteran of the war of 1812. She was a lover of music, books and poetry, believed in the home and home life; maintained her own home happily. She was married to Dorman Dean Hawley, in the Congregational church at Sparta, Wis., March 14, 1860. Three children were born to this union and grew to maturity; Ellen A., who died at the age of 21 years, Mrs. Jennie A. Walters, wife of Henry Walters who resides in Beach, N.D., and Burton S. Hawley, who resides on the old homestead in Angelo where the deceased lived for many years. Several years after Mr. Hawley's death she was united in marriage to Rev. Edward F. Richter of Cairo, Ga., where she has since made her home. Mr. Richter having died she was married on Feb. 6th 1914 to Mr. George W. Rutherford who survives her. Among the other surviving relatives are two grand children, Harvey Walters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and Mrs. Grace M. Reinking, their daughter of Kalispell, Mont., and many nieces and nephews living in various parts of the United States and elsewhere. Deceased was a member of the Baptist Church. Funeral services were held in Angelo Sunday, April 19th at 3 p. m., conducted by Rev. H. R. Hogan. Burial in Angelo Cemetery. Sparta (Wis.) Herald This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb