Grady County GaArchives Obituaries.....Salzer, Frantz November 14 1910 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Sumner May 24, 2004, 7:49 am The Cairo Messenger, Friday, November 18, 1910 Mr. Frantz Salzer, a German by birth, and who resided about seven or eight miles south of Whigham, came to Cairo last Monday on the 1:15 P.M. train, and was supposed to be attending to some business. At about seven o'clock he told several parties that he was on his way to Meigs to do some carpenter work. He stayed around the depot walking up and down the A.C.L. tracks and the sidewalk near the depot. A little later he went to the Wight Hardware Company store and bought a plow line. A short while afterwards, he was seen by Mr. Walter Harper, the night watchman, at the rear of the A.C.L. depot under the shed. Mr. Harper told him that he could not stay there, and that he would have to go into the waiting room and wait for his train. Mr. Harper making another round over town, and returning to the depot noticed that Mr. Salzer was not near the waiting room. He at once made a thorough search for Mr. Salzer, and found him hanging dead, to one of the back braces to the studding that supports the shed. The Coroner's Jury verdict being that he came to his death by his own hands by tying a rope to the brace and the other end around his neck and then jumping off a bale of cotton. Mr. Salzer came from Transylvania in Hungary several years ago. He first resided in Alberta Canada, but the climate there not suiting him he moved to Pittsburg, Pa. Not find suitable work he removed to Erie, Penn., after remaining there some time, he was advised to come down here and raise tobacco, as there was a fortune in it. He purchased forty acres of land of Mr. Dan Jones of Whigham, Ga., paying $200.00 down and gave his note for the balance of $400.00, and made a pretty good crop, the first year, but nobody would trust him for enough to erect suitable barns in which to store his tobacco and so lost all on this account. Mr. Salzer leaves a wife and two daughters and one son, who lived with him, also one married son who resides in Pennsylvania. His body was carried to his home south of Whigham by Mr. E. G. Harrell, the Coroner. Mr. Salzer appeared to be a man of sixty odd years of age and despondency over his many financial troubles is supposed to be the cause of the rash act. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb