Greene County GaArchives Biographies.....Callaway, John Sanders January 6, 1839 - December 10, 1914 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Samuel Taylor Geer October 24, 2011, 3:03 pm Source: History of the Baptist Denomination in Georgia Author: Samuel Boykin JOHN SANDERS CALLAWAY from: History of the Baptist Denomination in Georgia: With Biographical Compendium and Portrait Gallery of Baptist Ministers and Other Georgia Baptists by Samuel Boykin (Easley, SC: Southern Historical Press, 1976 Reprint of 1881 edition), pp. 88-89: JOHN SANDERS CALLAWAY, son of W. R. Callaway by his first wife (Miss R. A. Cheney), and grandson of Rev. Enoch Callaway, of blessed memory, was born in Wilkes county, Georgia, January 6th, 1839. At the early age of twelve years he was hopefully converted, and soon afterwards was baptized by his grandfather, and received into the fellowship. of Sardis church, in his native county. Before reaching manhood, young Callaway had strong impressions that it was his duty to preach the Gospel. These impressions, however, were resisted, under various natural pleas, until the war between the States broke out in 1861. At this time, his country having made an imperative demand upon him for his services, he solemnly promised his Maker that if he should spare his life through the war, he would then serve him as a preacher, as best he could. This promise seemed to satisfy his conscience for the time, and accordingly, in June, 1861, he enlisted as a private soldier in Company A, of the 15th Georgia Regiment. Faithfully discharging his duties, he was gradually promoted until he became captain of his company, which office he filled until disabled by wounds received at the battle of Chickamauga. The war being over and his life having been spared, his impressions with regard to the ministry returned upon him stronger than ever, and ceased not until finally, in 1868, he tremblingly began the long-delayed work. For the next two or three years he exercised his gift from time to time, according to the strength of his convictions, and the openings of God's providence. Early in the year 1872 his ordination was requested by the Baird's church, Oglethorpe county, this church having previously chosen him as a supply during the affliction of their pastor, Dr. P. H. Mell. Accordingly, the church at Friendship, Wilkes county, of which he was a member, called a presbytery, consisting of A. Chandler, L. W. Stephens, B. M. Callaway, J. H. Fortson, J. W. Jones and James Bramlet, by whom he was ordained to the full work of the ministry, March 1st, 1872. Since this time, Mr. Callaway has been largely occupied in ministerial labors. At Baird's, New Hope and Union Point churches, and at Oakland, Stonewall, and perhaps other places, he has regularly preached for longer or shorter periods; and at this writing he is the pastor of the churches at Shiloh, Penfield and Bethesda. His longest pastorate has been with Bethesda church, to which he preaches twice a month. Though comparatively young in the ministry, he has already obtained a strong hold on the hearts of his brethren, and is daily growing in power and usefulness, after the old and honored Callaway pattern. So far as secular pursuits are concerned, Mr. Callaway has devoted himself mainly to teaching, and has established a high reputation as a faithful and successful teacher. At present he is Principal of the Bairdstown Academy. In person, Mr. Callaway is quite stout, being nearly, or quite, six feet high, and weighing apparently above two hundred pounds. He has a fin, open face, beaming with amiability and candor, and to this face answers a warm, kind and generous heart. Previously to his entering the ministry - January 18th, 1865 - he was married to Miss S. E. Wootten, of Wilkes county. This estimable woman, by whom he has had several children, has been the true and faithful partner of a true and faithful man. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.4 Kb