Georgia: Greene County: Lyndon Baines Johnson Great Grandmother ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Connie Epps Bond The Herald-Journal, Volume 96, Greensboro, Greene County, Georgia, Friday, December 27, 1963 Johnson's Great-Grandmother Born In Greene County The great-grandmother of President Lyndon Baines Johnson was a native of Greene County. Jesse Johnson, born April 29, 1795 in Oglethorpe County, GA. He married Lucy Webb Barnett, who was born in Greene County, GA, on January 14, 1798. They were married in Greene County, Ga on November 14, 1817, by Jno Wilson, Justice of Peace. (Marriage Records A, page 1 Ordinary's Office, Greene County, Georgia. Both died in Lockhart, Texas. Mr. Johnson died on May 15, 1856, and Mrs. Johnson died on March 3, 1857. This couple had a son. Sam Early Johnson, Sr., born November 12, 1838 in Alabama, and he married Eliza Bunton on December 11, 1867. Mr. Johnson died on February 25, 1915. Their son Sam Early Johnson, Jr. married Rebecca Baines and their son Lyndon Baines Johnson is President of the United States. Lucy Webb Barnett was the daughter of Nathaniel Barnett and wife Lucy Webb. They lived at one time according to the Elbert county records on Broad River. Greene County deed records show conveyance to and from Nathaniel Barnett.