Gwinnett County GaArchives Biographies.....Owen, W. W. unknown - living in 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson July 27, 2004, 9:07 pm Author: J. C. Flanigan Rev. W. W. Owen. The gentleman mentioned above is 66 years old. He is a native of Gwinnett county, Georgia. He had no educational advantages, and learned to read by studying the Bible. He was ordained February 24, 1882, and has been the successful pastor of fourteen churches, viz: Walnut Grove, Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Tabor, Mt. Salem, Suwanee, Zion Hill, Sugar Hill, Pleasant Hill, Bethel, Concord, Cross .Plains, Shoal Creek, Chattahoochee, Harmony. He has lived on a farm near Buford all these years, and besides serving churches has been a successful planter. Wherever called to the pastorate of a church, he has given the best service. Many have been saved to a better life under his preaching; and by and by when all are gathered hence, he will rejoice with the good and just, for there will be "many stars in his crown." Additional Comments: From: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb