Gwinnett County GaArchives Biographies.....Gresham, J. B. December 8 1865 - living in 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson July 27, 2004, 9:34 pm Author: J. C. Flanigan Rev. J. B. Gresham. In reply to a request for a short sketch of his life, Rev. J. B. Gresham, of Redan, writes: "I feel honored that my name should be mentioned among the many good men who have preached the gospel and have helped to make the church what it is today. "I request that you put me at the foot of the class, as I have done the least and do not deserve to stand any higher. "I was born December 8, 1865, received a common school education, was born again August 15, 1888, at Rock Chapel camp ground, joined the Methodist church at Zoar, and lived in the Methodist church for ten years. The call to the ministry was so clear and pressing that I left the Methodist church and joined the Missionary Baptist church at Mount Zion, August, 1898. "I was licensed to preach December of the same year. However, for reasons I do not wish to be made public, I did not fully enter the ministry until 1906. "In the fall of 1905, I received a call from Woodville church, DeKalb county, and from Sharon church, Walton county. I was then ordained to the full work of the gospel ministry October 29, 1905, the presbytery consisting of Revs. A. H. Holland, E. L. Langley and J. W. Montgomery. "I served Sharon church two years, 1906-'07; Woodville three years, 1906-'07-'08; Salem, Rockdale county, three years, 1908-'09-'10; Mount Zion, Newton county, three years, 1909-'10-'11; Zion, Newton county, one year, 1910; Clarkston, DeKalb county, two years, 1910-'11; Milstead two years, 1910-'11. "My present work is Clarkston, Mount Zion and Milstead (two Sundays). "I was clerk of the Lawrenceville Association for six years and was a member of the executive committee when I moved from the association and resigned both positions. I am at present chairman of the executive committee of the South River Association and the appointee to preach the introductory sermon at the next session. "I have not kept any record of the number of people baptized or of marriages, but suppose that it will come somewhere near the average. I try to pastor my churches to the best of my ability being handicapped with an artificial leg. "I confess that I have been a failure at every thing I ever tried until I gave myself to the ministry and God will judge that and reveal it in the last day." Additional Comments: From: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.1 Kb