Gwinnett-Jackson County GaArchives Biographies.....Almond, John F. April 23 1848 - living in 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson July 27, 2004, 3:56 am Author: J. C. Flanigan Rev. John F. Almond. The pastor of Haynes Creek Primitive Baptist church, Rev. J. F. Almond, was born April 23, 1848, in at that time Newton, now Rockdale county. He was converted December, 1871, baptized in April, 1875, ordained June 11, 1887, and since the last date has, with the exception of two years, been the pastor of four churches each year, preaching once a month at each church. He has baptized as many as 200 converts into the membership of his churches, and is a popular and successful minister. He lives in Atlanta. Additional Comments: From: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.3 Kb