Gwinnett County GaArchives Biographies.....Settle, J. S. unknown - living in 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson July 27, 2004, 7:13 pm Author: J. C. Flanigan Rev. J. S. Settle. Rev. J. S. Settle, of Winder, was ordained to the full work of the Gospel ministry at Sharon Baptist church in Forsyth county, February 27, 1892. Since that time he has been actively engaged in ministerial work, sixteen different churches having been served by him. He has baptized 418 members into the various churches during his pastorate, and united in marriage 37 couples. He is the pastor of Ebenezer, Mt. Vernon, Mt. Tabor, churches in Gwinnett county and of Double Springs in Walton county. Mr. Settle is not only an able minister, but a successful business man. It will be of interest to know just how many miles a preacher travels to reach his churches, the number of days employed in the service and the amount of money he receives for his time and labor. It will no doubt demonstrate that the ministers of Gwinnett county, especially those serving country churches, are not preaching for money. Below is given the name of each church served by Mr. Settle, the number of miles traveled, the number of days given to each church and the salary received: MT. SALEM, HALL COUNTY. Miles traveled 400 Days served 60 Salary 1892 $16.45 " 1893 17.50 CONCORD, MILTON COUNTY. Miles traveled 1025 Days served 115 Salary 1893 $26.90 " 1894 23.45 " 1895 15.75 " 1896 24.00 SHADY GROVE, FORSYTH COUNTY. Miles traveled 150 Days served 65 Salary 1893 $36.20 " 1894 24.20 WALNUT GROVE. Miles traveled 200 Days served 30 Salary 1895 $23.00 SUGAR HILL. Miles traveled 200 Days served 62 Salary 1897 $28.00 CONCORD. Miles traveled 600 Days served 63 Salary. 1897 $38.25 " 1898 32.50 CEDAR CREEK. Miles traveled 220 Days served 130 Salary for four years 150.00 BAY CREEK. Miles traveled 1440 Days served 130 Salary for four years 250.00 CORD MILL. Miles traveled 1156 Days served 62 Salary for two years $85.00 LOGANVILLE. Miles traveled 862 Days served 65 Salary for two years 200.00 ANTIOCH. Miles 440 Days 130 Salary for four years 200.00 BETHEL. Miles 1344 Days 200 Salary for four years 400.00 LIBERTY. Miles 1940 Days 85 Salary three years 276.00 MT. VERNON. Miles 170 Days 125 Salary four years 245.00 DOUBLE SPRINGS. Miles 125 Days 150 Salary five years $225 EBENEZER. Miles 336 Days 62 Salary two years $200 MT. TABOR. Miles 800 Days 31 Salary one year $68 Mr. Settle has baptized into these churches prior to his revivals in the summer of 1911, as many as 418 members. Additional Comments: From: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.0 Kb