Gwinnett County GaArchives Cemeteries.....Pleasant Hill Baptist Cemetery - Complete Survey ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Annie Davidson September 2, 2011, 7:11 pm Abstracted By: Annie Davidson Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, established 1939. Located on Hamilton Mill Road in Buford , Georgia, east of Bogan Road. Last Name First Name Middle Name Birth Death Comment --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunt Cammie Lee 1907 1985 Mother Hunt Arthur Guy 1903 1951 Father Hunt Morris Lee 07/27/1945 12/17/1975 SPS US Army Vietnam Maddox Brenda Denise 1968 1968 Whiting Kimberly 1970 1970 Infant Gravitt Marjorie Donna 12/11/1970 Infant Cloer John R 1890 1975 Not my will but thine be done Cloer Maggie B 1892 1971 Not my will but thine be done Bagley Ivan 06/02/1929 04/16/2006 Puckett Infant of Mr/Mrs Sylvester Puckett Puckett Infant 2 of Mr/Mrs Sylvester Puckett Puckett Clarence 1889 1961 Puckett Annie 1901 1953 Puckett Marie Bennett 04/02/1930 04/28/1943 At Rest Puckett Sylvester 05/06/1927 10/16/1990 Beloved Father Maddox Larry 07/19/1944 08/28/1973 Maddox Lillie Mae 05/25/1908 02/04/1959 Maddox W. Grady 08/11/1898 7/22/1946 Maddox Elizabeth 06/07/1878 11/01/1955 Maddox John P 10/11/1875 11/25/1952 Maddox Rena Jane 08/29/1913 05/11/1956 Maddox Winifred 04/11/1905 09/28/1984 In Loving Memory Maddox Rosa Mae 9/22/1912 2/21/2000 In Loving Memory Maddox Vera E 10/17/1909 06/05/1989 AUNT VERA Maddox Euell S 08/20/1911 06/04/1990 Precious Memories Maddox Catherine E 04/22/1917 08/31/2003 Precious Memories Maddox Anderson T 10/08/194 3/21/2009 Married May 28, 1961 Maddox Rosie Lee 05/02/1945 06/09/1990 Married May 28, 1961 Maddox Roy Talmadge 05/05/1962 07/13/2004 Maddox James 'JE' 06/29/1942 08/16/2001 SP4 US Army - Daddy Gilliland Myron E 04/05/1905 07/01/2009 Maddox James Emmett 'JE' 06/29/1942 08/16/2001 SP4 US Army - Daddy Loggins Willis 04/20/1935 07/08/1998 Wed 07/06/1970 Thy Will Be Done Hayes, Sr William H 03/05/1907 04/17/1987 Hayes Irene J 10/26/1906 09/18/1979 Hayes, 3rd William H 10/04/1950 01/10/1968 Billy Williams Michelle L 09/26/1996 12/03/1966 Pruett P. Paul 1914 1972 Married Nov 23 1935 Pruett Montine P 1915 1952 Married Nov 23 1935 Maddox Carl Frank 06/05/1949 01/08/2003 Brother Cofer Dannie L 03/03/1655 03/05/1955 Son of Mr/Mrs Oliver Cover Maddox Justin Lee 11/16/1984 12/24/1984 Maddox Gene 01/04/1939 02/06/1984 Brother Maddox Reba 06/05/1944 06/26/1944 Daughter of Mr/Mrs E.A. Maddox Maddox E.A. 10/04/1932 01/01/1933 Son of Mr./Mrs E.A. Maddox Maddox Ernest A 04/12/1903 11/11/1985 Home with my Saviour Maddox Lula Bell 12/03/1908 12/10/1979 Home with my Saviour Cole Homer G 05/29/1909 07/12/1992 To live in hears we leave behind is not to die Cole Bertie A 10/06/1900 01/07/1999 Cole Homer Larry 09/03/1944 04/27/1945 Infant Porter Nathan 1869 1943 Porter Sallie 1880 1955 Porter William 04/15/1952 04/23/1952 Infant Porter Billie H 04/23/1912 05/04/2005 Thy will be done Porter Elsie Mae 05/01/1915 05/03/2006 Thy will be done Porter Joycelyn M 07/10/1937 02/16/1999 Thy will be done Porter, Jr Curtis Lamar 03/05/1960 03/07/1960 Infant Ash Rev Albert 12/30/1911 03/10/2004 Wed Oct 14 1938 Ash Zillah M 07/05/1920 02/21/2004 Wed Oct 14 1938 Nan Nan Ash Rev Albert 12/30/1911 03/10/2004 Wed Oct 14 1938 Pa Pa Payne Arnold E 12/18/1934 05/29/1982 Father Payne Georgia A 06/09/1935 01/28/2003 Mother Higgins Charles 1927 1966 Ready to go home Ryder Infant Great grandchild of Mr/Mrs Sam G. Ryder Sr Pruitt Henrietta P 03/20/1942 07/18/1992 Our Father which art in heaven Pruitt Joel Webb 12/25/1915 07/31/1988 Our Father which art in heaven Head Charlie F 06/09/1921 12/10/1976 Johnson Mary V 1886 1962 footstone: M.V.J. Johnson Jack J 1886 1962 foot stone J.J.J. Puckett Ruth J 01/17/1922 01/05/1975 Johnson James Elvin 05/03/1910 09/17/1970 Johnson Odell F 04/24/1913 01/03/2001 Ryder Bobby Gene 09/07/1946 07/01/1947 infant Ryder, Jr Sam 07/10/1909 03/25/1979 US Army World War II Taylor Belle Ryder 04/18/1904 12/25/1981 Higgins Mozell P 08/18/1900 07/31/1994 Belivers in God live beyond the tomb Higgins Lloyd W 05/08/1897 05/24/1954 Believers in God live beyond the tomb Higgins Betty R 09/10/1933 05/24/1954 Was far too sweet to linger long Patton Brunell P 06/13/1915 02/07/1993 'Lancaster' inscribed under dates Patton Jones B 05/30/1913 12/09/1958 Mother Patton Brunell P 06/13/1915 02/07/1993 'Lancaster' inscribed under dates footstone: Father Patton, Sr James Robert 01/12/1935 05/18/1996 Daddy Berry Sallie Mae 01/08/1921 08/15/1980 Samples John Jaril 03/18/1939 07/14/1963 Pruett Clarence H 08/25/1904 10/13/1976 Father Pruett Ruth T 07/24/1909 12/19/2008 Mother Hamilton Hoyt 11/23/1919 11/03/1961 Maddox Marie P 05/22/1935 02/20/2002 Maddox Jackie Lynn 09/08/1957 09/08/1957 infant Maddox Chester E 04/12/1934 12/18/1994 Maddox John Henry 11/09/1935 04/15/2011 Hamilton William F 1893 1970 footstone W.F.H. Hamilton Nona W 1896 1972 footstone: N.W.H. Wilkins Bennie Ray 1950 1953 Hamilton Bonnie Hall 07/01/1925 03/28/1996 devoted father: US NAVY WORLD WAR II Wilkins Dovie Michelle 03/28/1983 11/17/1984 Infant Whited Dannah V 01/06/1964 08/14/1971 Whited Kennie A 12/14/1961 12/14/1961 Infant Hall Guss 1880's 1940's Wilkins Mancle 11/28/1920 05/14/1981 Daddy Wedding 10/11/1947 Wilkins Mae Montine 05/11/1918 04/10/2002 Mama Wedding 10/11/1947 King Barbara A 07/04/1942 02/21/1983 Martin Jack B 03/18/1918 05/03/1970 Loving Memories footston: J.B.M. Puckett Bernice K 07/28/1915 07/28/1979 footstone: B.K.P. Puckett Marion 1910 1977 Masonic emblem inscribed on tombstone Puckett Ruth P 1915 1958 Eastern Star (Masonic) inscribed on tombstone Ash Jeremy 06/07/1979 06/07/1979 Infant son of Mr/Mrs Wayne Ash Ryder, Sr Sam 03/28/1875 02/04/1960 Ryder Emma B 10/22/1885 02/18/1962 Puckett Arthur H 09/03/1908 10/15/1993 Puckett Bertie A 03/20/1910 05/27/1980 D Puckett Stanley 02/10/1955 03/05/1978 Son Gone too soon Puckett Robert L 08/06/1929 02/08/1975 footstone R.L.P. Cross Willie J 1919 1975 PFC Army Air Forces World War II Cross Lois W 1918 2004 Bryant Mell C 1919 1978 Bryant La-Rue V 1925 1966 Bryant Deborah Jo 1953 1956 Wiley Frances B 08.29.1914 10/05/1956 Mother - Budded on earth to bloom in heaven Wiley John W 03/06/1909 05/14/1974 Daddy - Lonely no more Maddox Avery W 1930 1978 US Army Korea Maddox Sarah H. 1937 2001 Daniel Avis M. Jarrard 02/01/1929 10/06/1985 Jarrard James Cecil 08/12/19285 12/28/1970 Georgia PVT Infantry WWII Jarrard Cpl. Jerry E 12/14/1948 09/13/1968 Gave his life for his country. Georgia Cpl BTRY B 5 ARTY 1 INF DIV VIETNAM BSM-ARCOM-PH Beard Vera M 05/26/1908 02/25/1991 Beard Bronzie 12/05/1903 04/01/1969 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 11.1 Kb