Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Norcross Presbyterian Church Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson July 26, 2004, 1:10 am Norcross. The Norcross Presbyterian church is seventy-eight years old. It was organized in 1833, and was known as Goshen, being then located some three or four miles southeast of Norcross. Among the members of the church at its organization were Thomas H. Jones and family, Adam Hoyle and family, Robt. Gaza and family, Daniel Liddell and family, Moses Liddell and family, James Russell and family, John Steel and family, and others. The first church was a large, well-built structure, with long communion tables in the center, and a large gallery up-stairs in the rear for the colored members. Thos. H. Jones, Russell Gaza and Robt. Gaza were elected and ordained as the first three elders, while Moses Liddell, Adam Hoyle and Daniel Liddell were elected deacons. The membership of the church consisted of a very staunch, intelligent class of citizens, the best in the country. Dr. John Wilson was the first pastor, serving as such ten years. He was in middle life at this time and was a wonderfully strong man. He was succeeded by Dr. James Patterson, who served the church fourteen years. He was principal of the school then located near Lawrenceville, and was indeed a great preacher. It was at this church that Col. Geo. H. Jones, of Norcross, was christened. His father was one of those who organized the church. Then the civil war came on, and the church like most others declined in membership. Some time in the seventies, the old church was sold and the proceeds put in a building in the goodly little town of Norcross. The church was moved and the present building erected in 1899, and is valued at $2,000. Among the able ministers who served the church are, Dr. Smith, who served five years. Then followed Rev. J. L. King for twenty years; Rev. J. W. Pogue for five years; Rev. W. L. Harrell for two years; Dr. Homer McMillan for two years; Rev. E. H. Brownlee, one year; Rev. R. H. Orr, four years. The superintendent of the Sunday school is Col. Geo. H. Jones, who has been chosen to that position for life; J. C. Ross, assistant superintendent, and Mrs. R. Johnston, Mrs. R. A. Myers, Mrs. Johnson Reynolds, Mrs. Homer Jones and Miss Laura Wilson, teachers. The church has the following members: Col. G. H. Jones (Elder), J. C. Ross (Elder), H. V. Jones, deacon, H. J. Reynolds, deacon, Mrs. R. E. Skinner, Mrs. Martha Kidder, Mrs. R. A. Myers, Mrs. W. A. Wood, Clifton Wood, Mrs. D. Richardson, Mrs. H. J. Reynolds, Miss Lucile Buice, Howard Buice, Mrs. Homer V. Jones, Lt. Clifford Jones, Lt. DeWitt. C. Jones, Lt. Thomas H. Jones, Mrs. W. P. Walker, Mrs. Pope Barrow, Mrs. Ronald Johnston, Col. D. K. Johnston, Miss Mary Johnston, Mrs. J. C. Ross, Simpson Ross, Irwin Ross, Mrs. Alice Wade, Mrs. H. D. Merriwether, Miss Sophia Myers, Miss Mary Myers, Miss Picket Myers, Miss Ruby Letson, R. L. Jones, Miss Bertie Harmon, Mr. Frank Skinner. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.7 Kb