Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Buford Presbyterian Church Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson July 26, 2004, 1:15 am Buford. The Presbyterian church at Buford was organized December 21, 1890, with the following members: L. N. Sudderth, Mrs. L. N. Sudderth, Mrs. Ella C. Power, Mrs. Fannie Power, Mrs. Maud Rowe, Mrs. J. E. Murphy, G. H. Stewart, Mrs. L. A. Stewart, P. S. Hoffer, E. W. Vance, Mrs. E. W. Vance, Miss D. O. Stewart, Adam Pool, Mrs. L. Shelly. The church building was constructed the year following the organization and is valued at $2,000. A good Sunday school is maintained the year round, the enrollment being from 60 to 75. The officers and teachers are S. J. Busha, superintendent, S. B. Hoyt, secretary-treasurer, Miss Lizzie Hamilton, Miss Emma May Vance, J. M. Sewell, Miss Jarrael, Mrs. L. N. Sudderth, teachers. Rev. J. L. King was pastor of the church from 1890 to 1894, and received 19 members into the church. Rev. J. Wood Pogue served as pastor from 1894 to 1901, a term of seven years. During his pastorate he added to the membership roll 31 men and women. Rev. W. Lee Harrel was the next pastor. His service began in 1901 and continued to 1905; the additions to the church during his term of service amounting to 20. Rev. Homer McMillan was pastor for two years, from 1905 to 1907. There were three additions to the church while he was pastor. The church next called Rev. Fritz Rauschenberg, who preached from 1907 to 1908, there being five additions (luring his pastorate. Rev. L. H. Orr served as pastor from 1908 to 1911, resigning in the early part of the year on account of his wife's illness. Eighteen joined the church while he was pastor. The elders of the church are: S. J. Busha, E. W. Vance, G. H. Stewart, L. N. Sudderth, M. B. Sewell. The deacons are J. M. Sewell, Ivan L. Power, J. Homer Power, S. B. Hoyt, R. A. Murphy. The church has the following additional members: Mrs. L. N. Sudderth, Mrs. J. E. Murphy, Mrs. L. A. Stewart, Mrs. E. W. Vance, Mrs. Ella Mabry, Mrs. S. J. Busha, Mrs. L. A. Woodward, Mrs. Amile Tidwell, Mrs. J. M. Sewell, Mrs. S. B. Hoyt, Mrs. W. A. Kelly, Miss Myrtice Sewell, Miss Lillie Sewell, Miss E. M. Hamilton, Miss Emma May Vance, Miss Charlie Skelton, Miss Carrie Stewart, Miss Marjorie Busha, Miss Olivia Sewell, Miss Vernie Kelly, Mrs. Lelia Morton, Mrs. M. B. Murphy, Earnest Murphy, Allen Vance, Thomas Autry, W. A. Kelly, Grover Sewell, Spencer Mabry. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb