Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Winder Presbyterian Church Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson July 26, 2004, 1:19 am Winder. The Atlanta Presbytery at a called meeting on September 13, 189.5, granted a petition for the organization of the Winder Presbyterian church, and appointed Dr. J. B. Mack, then an evangelist for the Synod, Rev. Samuel Young and Mr. T. R. Powell a committee to effect the 20, 1895 with the following members: Prof. S. P. Orr, J. F. Wilhite, W. H. Quarterman, Mrs. Mary B. Quarterman, Mrs. H. S. Allen, Callie Wilhite, Herbert Allyn. The three first names were ruling elders at the time of organization. Prof. S. P. Orr, then principal of the Winder public schools, gave a lot of land which was afterwards exchanged for the lot on which the church now stands, and which is in Gwinnett county. The house of worship was erected in 1902-3, and is valued at $1,500. W. H. Quarterman, a prominent attorney, is superintendent of the Sunday school, and L. C. Russell, himself an attorney of ability, and Miss Mary Russell are the teachers. Dr. H. S. Allen was the first pastor. He served for several months, and later went to Braziel as a missionary. Dr. J. B. Mack was the second pastor. Then came Rev. J. L. King in 1898; Rev. James Wood Pogue in 1898-1901; Rev. W. L. Harrell, 1902-3; Rev. Lucian Knight in 1904; Rev. Homer McMillan in 1905; Rev. J. H, Dixon in 1906; Rev. Fritz Rauschenberg in 1907-11. The church has extended a call to Rev. M. C. Liddell, formerly of Norcross, but more recently of Oklahoma. The present membership includes W. E. Edmonds, R. F. Freeman, Edna Freeman, Telford Freeman, Mrs. O. S. Hayes, Sarah Hayes, Mrs. P. P. Jennings, Mrs. E. E. Potts, S. C. Potts, S. M. Potts, Fritz Potts, Cupid Potts, W. H. Quarterman, Mrs. W. H. Quarterman, Keith A. Quarterman, L. C. Russell, R. O. Ross, Mrs. R. 0. Ross, Oscar Ross, Julian Ross, J. M. Baird, T. C. Langford. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.6 Kb