Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....New Hope Christian Church Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson July 26, 2004, 1:24 am New Hope. Brethern J. Paxon and T. M. Foster organized New Hope Christian church in 1872 at what is now known as Oakland. The church began its career with the members whose names are given here: Miss Eliza Quinn, Mr. John Quinn, Mrs. Permelia Quinn, Mrs. Ollie Quinn, Miss Martha Quinn, Mr. James Quinn, Mrs. Mary C. Atkinson, Mrs. H. P. Huff, Mr. K. C. Atkinson, Mr. John Hood, Mr. John Cooper, Mr. Thomas Wood, Miss Lula Huff, Miss Fannie Cooper, Miss A. N. Atkinson, Miss Sarah Brown, Miss J. J. Davenport, Miss Emmie Whitney, Mr. Isaac Brown, Mrs. S. O. Brown, Mrs. M. I. Brown, Mr. Thomas Hood, Mr. Gus Tetter, Mrs. Ducilla Willis, Mr. Thomas Quinn, Mrs. S. C. Quinn. The church has had a gradual growth in point of members and of this denomination is the second in number in the county. Joseph Paxon was its first pastor. He served five years. T.M. Foster was pastor for sixteen years. Lon Lee served the church six months; Rev. Golightly, six months; R. V. Omer, one year,. Hampton Dodson, one year; L. F. Jackson, nine years; N. D. Meadow, two years; E. R. Mobley, one year; Dr. Thomas, one year; A. E. Seddon, one year; B. F. Foster, one year; T. F. Yarbrough is the present pastor. Howard T. McElroy is the secretary and treasurer of the church. J. J. Herrington is the superintendent of the Sunday school, which has an enrollment of about 100. Joe Williams is chorister and J. J. Herrington, Miss Lena Williams, Miss Mattie Williams, Mrs. Robert Craig, Miss Azzie Hutchins and Joe Williams, teachers. The present building was erected in 1884, and is valued at $750. The church roll shows the following members: P. F. Atkinson, G. A. Atkinson, D. R. Arnold, Deck Arnold, A. H. Atkinson, J. A. Atkinson, John Atkinson, Melvin Atkinson, John Brown, J. J. Herrington, George Huston, Isaac Johnson, Jim Johnson, Andrew Johnson, John Brownlee, John Thompson, H. J. Moon, W. L. Rutledge, J. P. Whitehead, H. C. Whitehead, Edd Weathers, J. I. Green, L. H. Cooper, Jeff Warbington, H. P. Wynn, J. W. Wynn, M. W. Brannon, Jesse Smith, J. W. Leopard, N. R. Johnson, John Johnson, H. T. McElroy, A. J. Gordon, Loyd Mills, D. N. Brownlee, Carl Brownlee, J. B. Rainey, Wm. R. Hooper, E. P. Thompson, W. O. Thompson, H. T. Johnson, J. H. Cox, J. A. Pool, W. P. Wallace, G. L. Wells, C. W. Wynn, Laura McElroy, Marguetett Craft, Nancy Atkinson, Margueret Atkinson, Annie Atkinson, Effie Atkinson, Emmie Atkinson, Davie Still, M. I. Payton, Nora McCulley, . L. M. Cooper, Ida Hazelrigs, J. C. Green, M. C. Whitehead, Georgia Singleton, R. E. Wynn, F. O. Wynn, Mattie Rutledge, Minnie Rutledge, Ida Arnold, Maud Gower, Julia Johnson, Mollie Raney, Sallie.Bran, Martha Bromelowe, Georgia Bran, Willie Bran, Ida Bran, Sarah Daniel, Gennie Daniel, Cinthana Smith, Ella Johnson, Ada Johnson, Emmie Johnson, Ella Kirby, Pearl Cooper, Ora Cooper, Allie Webb, Allie Brownlee, Mamie Crews, Jimmie Brownlee, Leila Jones, Leila Cole, Sallie Whitehead, Maggie Dooley, Ada Whitehead, Mary Johnson, Dora Wallace, A. N. Leopard, Susie Bouchum, Fannie Bouchum, Mrs. M. H. Danforth, Mary Atkinson, Mollie Bran, Dora Bouchcum, Loyd Mills, Omie Mae Thompson, M. A. Wynn, Lula Bell Cooper, Lee Atkinson, Lillie Wells, Minie Wynn. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.0 Kb