Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Hopewell Christian Church Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson July 27, 2004, 3:12 am Hopewell. This church was organized September, 1886, with the following members: Wilbern Jones, B. F. Maffett, B. F. Shelnutt, S. V. Shelnutt, J. H. Ambrose, W. A. Camp, Mrs. Emily Jones, Mrs. L. V. Shelnutt, Mrs. Mary Maffett, Miss Margie Jones, Miss Sallie Maffett, Ada Maffett. It is located in Goodwin's district. The church was built in 1901, but a new building is now being planned and will probably be erected in a short time. Bliss Woodward is superintendent of the Sunday school, D. J. Funderberg, assistant superintendent, Miss Velva White, secretary, Paul Jackson, chorister, Miss May Funderburg, organist and Miss Mamie Jones, Paul Jackson, D. J. Funderburg, teachers. L. F. Jackson was the first pastor of the church, serving four years. John H. Wood was pastor six months. N. D. Meadow served nine years. E. E. Hollingworth preached fourteen months, J. F. Green one year, C. R. Miller one year, and the present pastor is T. F. Yarbrough. The members of the church are: Wilbern Jones, B. F. Maffett, B. F. Shelnutt, S. Shelnutt, J. H. Ambrose, W. A. Camp, D. W. Maffett, J. R. Maffett, H. L. Young, C. E Davis, Dilmus Huff, Bliss Woodward, H. N. Jackson, U. G. Maffett, Wm. Johnson, G. H. Allen, M. W .Bates, D. J. Funderburg, W. A. Bates, James Johnston, Washington Bennett, Daniel McDaniel, J. H. Crumley, D. M. Funderburg, Solomon Corbin, Honor Corbin, Edith Corbin, H. B. Davis, R. A. Crow, J. A. O'Kelley, Wesley Shackelford, Melvin C. McDaniel, Myer Morrell, John M. Whitehead, William W. Crow, Charles Garner, Melvin Whitehead, John Corbin, R. C. Thompson, Emory Cooper, Wayman Marghon, Clarence Jones, Jasper Cooper, Frank B. Hall, George Whitehead, Raleigh Crow, Arthur McDaniel, Paul Funderburg, N. M. Jones, John Jones, T. P. Jackson, S. H. Dodson, -. -. Dodson, Oscar Johnson, Cleveland Peavy, Mrs. Emily Jones, Miss Margie Jones, Mrs. L. V. Shelnutt, Mary Maffett, Sarah Maffett, Ada Maffett, E. C. Maffett, H. H. Maffett, Dora Bennett, Sarah Whitehead, Emma Cantrell, Penrilipe King, Sarah Bently, Cora Maffett, Elizabeth Young; Elizabeth Camp, Emma Davis, M. F. Maffett, Ora Maffett, R. B. Jackson, Camilla Allen, Alice Maffett, Eunice Sudderth, Eunice Jones, Mattie Funderburg, Mary Maffett, 2nd, C. H. Crumley, Emma Corbin, M. S. Rice, Annie Sudderth, Minnie Hughes Lillie Davis, Delpha Frazier, Lucy Crow, Georgia 0’Kelley, Alice Jones, Hannah Manghron, Alma McDaniel, Parrott Crow, Emily Whitehead, Dora Moore, Mrs. B. F. Maffett, Mattie Jones, May Funderburg, Fellie Davis, Elfie Crumley, Mamie Jones, Edna Whitehead, Parry McDaniel, Adele Corbin, Mrs. Brock, Mrs. J. N. Cooper, Cora Funderburg, Clara Johnson, Edna Mahaffey, S. V. Shelnutt, Etta M. Jackson, Ruth Johnson. Additional Comments: From: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb