Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Suwanee-Town Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 28, 2004, 11:24 am Suwanee-Town. The records of the church prior to 1886 cannot be found, and the date of the organization is unknown. There appears, however, to have been an organization before the civil war and services were held in a school house. The minutes show that on September 3, 1886, the church was reorganized. Those present were R. W. Rhodes, J. H. Braziel, Mose Martin, C. B. Pool, J. L. R. Barrett. J. L. R. Barrett was the first pastor after the church was reorganized. E. L. Lisk was the next pastor, elected January 23, 1889. Then followed M. D. Hudson, July, 5, 1891; W. J. Wooten, May 29, 1892; B. B. Sargeant, March 8, 1896; Geo. L. Barnwell, January 18, 1902; F. L. Wood, May 16, 1903; G. R. Brown, January, 1905; Jas. T. Eden, March, 1.906; Dr. M. M. Rylee is the present pastor. E. H. Fields is superintendent of the Sunday school; H, W. Rhodes, Jr., secretary: S. T. Hill, Mrs, H. L. Edmondson, Miss Laura Rogers, Miss Lillie Turner, Miss Louise Rhodes, H. E. Wright, teachers. The church has the following members: Mrs. Lillie Rhodes, Mrs. Sallie Rhodes, Lillie West, Luppie Boggs, Francis Burton, Ida Burton, Mrs. M. D. Field, Miss G. M. Field, Miss M. L. Field, M. C. Jay, W. J. Hill, Mrs. N. C. Jay, Mrs. Mollie Hill, Mrs. S. H. Humphrey, Mrs. Mayold Langley, Mrs. Julia Whitlock, Mrs. Dassie Burrell, Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. Matilda Reese, Mrs. Hallie Teague, Laura Rogers, Villa Rhodes, Maud Stonecipher, Nellie Turner, Lillie Turner, Maggie Rhodes, Louise Rhodes, M. C. Bennett, Mrs. C. C. Stonecipher, Mrs. Carrie Brogdon, Mrs. Walker, Victory Shelnut, Estell Wright, Nola Bennett, Mrs. M. E. Gregg, Parzee King, Katie May Rhodes, Lettie Sudderth, Agnes Buice, Ada Reese, Mae Settles, Nora Mathis, J. S. Bennett, J. L. Rhodes, W. H. Langley, J. H. Pruett, W. P. Reese, Charlie Stonecipher, E. M. Stonecipher, C. N. West, Will Stonecipher, H. W. Rhodes, Jr., Howard Langston, R. W. Moore, F. H. Barker, S. T. Hill, W. G. Green, L. D. King, W. F. Walker, R. E. Shelnut, J. D. West, H. E. Wright, L. K. Rhodes, H. W. Gregg, Wilse Buice, W. H. Reese, E. T. Settles, J. E. Mathis, J. R. DeVore, E. H. Fields, Carlton Powell. Richard Martin, J. D. Reese, Francis Gibson, Arthur Gibson, Mary Buice, Minnie Hill, Miss Annie Lockridge, Mrs. Eula Farmer, H. L. Edmondson, Mrs. H. L. Edmondson, Mrs. Zona Kennedy, Luther Philyaw, Mrs. Luther Phillips, L. M. Gibson, Mrs. L. M. Gibson, Miss Ivy Gibson, M. D. Gibson, Mrs. M. D. Gibson, C. T. Green, Mrs. C. T. Green, Miss Mint Buice, D. V. Wall, W. B. Mitchell, C. E. Hawkins, Mrs. C. E. Hawkins, Mrs. W. G. Green, C. A. Turner, Miss Vassie Reese, Miss Corine Stonecipher, Miss Ora Reese, Miss Ozora Pirkle, H. B. Rhodes, U. G. McCoy, N. S. Pirkle, Mrs. N. S. Pirkle, Pleas Buice, Glenn Jones, S. E. Reese, Mrs. D. E. Reese, Rus Jones, A. H. Braziel, Mrs. A. H. Braziel. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OP ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.7 Kb