Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Carl Baptist Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 28, 2004, 11:36 am Carl. The Carl Baptist church at Carl, Ga., was organized October 22, 1895. The presbytery was composed of Rev. J. C. Johnson, Rev. J. 'M. Williams, Rev. N. Bailey. The following were the charter members: Dr. E. H. Hale, Annie Hale, Mary Hale, Stellie Hale, G. W. Pitman, Mrs. G. W. Pitman, J. D. Wright, Mrs. M. J. Perry, Minnie Perry, Nina Perry. Rev. J. C. Johnson was elected moderator of the presbytery, and John Jones clerk. The charge was given by Rev. J. M. Williams. On the ninth of the following February, the church met and called Rev. B. F. Elliot as the first pastor. He did not serve but a few months. During his service three came in by letter: Bro. Mossey and wife, Mary Mossey, and D. J. Williams. On Nov. 22, 1896, the church called Rev. J. M. Williams as pastor, and he served for about 12 years up to his death. The church had a steady growth while he served. Rev. G. L. Bagwell then served for one year. The church then called Rev. J. B. Brookshire, the present pastor. The church is now in a prosperous condition. It has a good prayer-meeting and Sunday school of about 75 members. Rev. J. C. Head is superintendent, and R. H. Elrod assistant, and Virgie Sigman secretary. The teachers are W. W. Sigman, Herchel Hutchins, Mary Head and Lillie May Beard. The value of the church property is about $1,500. The following are the present members of the church : Males.- David Johnson, J. C. Lovin, R. E. Lovin, Joe Davis, Walter Brown, Jimmie Brown, Frank Kid, D. T. Hamilton, G. S. Perry, A. L. Adams, E. J. Hutchins, G. W. Giles, J. O. Giles, Rev. J. B. Hudgins, W. H. Lovin, Otto Hutchin, Rev. J. C. Head, Edward Giles, Rev. J. M. Pirkle, R. H. Elrod, K. A. Elrod, R. F. Johnson, Rev. M. K. Hudlow, Rev. J. M. Hudlow, J. T. Tanner, Leonard Tanner, A. R. Wofford, J. H. Wood, J. R. Boss. Females. Fannie Lavin, A. A. Brown, Sarah Davis, Kate Adams, Henry Etta Adams, Dora Daniel, Lena Parks, Ida Parks, Lessie Jordan, Flora Giles, Dora Giles, Janie Cells, Emma Helton, Laura Adams, Anna Hutchins, Pearle Hudgins, Cyntha Hudgins, Lonnie Hudgins, Dora Head, Fern Head, Mary Head, Adaline Giles, Omie Pirkle, Parilee Pirkle, Tallie Johnson, Eve Pirkle, Beulah Cain, Emma Elrod, Ethel Elrod, Myrtie Blakey, Mattit Hamilton, Mollie Wyley, Mrs. J. T. Tanner, Etta Wofford, Mattie Hudlow, Annie Hudlow, Bertie Hudlow, Mattie Sykes, Pearle Lovin, Ila Wood, Nancy Maynard, Lilla Boss. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OP ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb