Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Bethbara Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 28, 2004, 11:59 am Bethabara. This church was constituted in the early part of the last century, as early perhaps as 1813. It was then located two miles east of County Line academy where the Wheeler family now lives. Later it was moved to its present location. The present building was erected some 30 years ago. There had been two or three buildings used prior to this. The first minutes in the preserved records are dated March 12, 1825. Ansolem Anthony was pastor at that time. On May 7, 1825, the pastor read a constitution or decorum to the church, which was adopted and recorded in the clerk's book. The minute for May 10, 1826, reads in part as follows : "Conference opened by Brother Anthony. Elizabeth Morris came forward and told what God had done for her soul, and .she was received. Also Jeremiah Sparks; came forward and after giving satisfaction to the church was restored to fellowwship." The following sentence appears in the minute of December 13, 1828: "As brethren W. Brown and Geo. Flanigan have not attended for several meetings past, therefore brother Jessie Osborn is appointed to visit them and request them to attend our next conferencq to show the cause of their absence." The minute of October 2, 1830, acknowledges the receipt of a petition from Redland church for ministerial aid to ordain a minister. At the December, 1830, conference, it is recorded that Brother W. Walls brought charges against Brother George Flanigan and Brother James Flanigan for trading with a slave contrary to law, and a committee was appointed to see them and ask for their attendance on the next conference. The following is taken from the minute of March 10, 1860: "Sister Maurning Brown, a black woman, came forward and stated that she had been a member of the Baptist church at Antioch, and. the church having dissolved she had failed to get a letter of dismission, and that she desired to become a member of the church." She was received at the next meeting. Ansolem Anthony served as pastor .from the organization of the church, certainly from 1825, to 1856. At that time D. H. Moncrief was called and served one year. There were only two male members that year, viz: Ansolem Anthony and Vincent Dalton. J. M. Davis served as pastor from 1856 to 1866. Then A. D. Wall served one year. J. M. Davis was recalled, and served to 1870. H. N. Rainey was pastor in 1871; G. L. Bagwell from 1872 to 1883; P. Williams in 1884-'85; G. L. Bagwell from 1886 to 1891; D. C. Simpson from 1892 to 1894; J. R. Barrett in 1895; J. M. Williams from 1896 to 1902; no pastor in 1903; J. M. Williams from 1904 to 1906; G. L. Bagwell in 1906; J. B. Brookshire in 1907; S. P. Higgins from 1908 to the present time. From September, 1888, to September, 1892, during the pastorate of G. L. Bagwell there were 55 additions by baptism. There were nineteen during the pastorate of D. C. Simpson; ten during that of J. R. Barrett; one hundred and twenty-five during that of J. M. Williams; sixteen during that of G. L. Bagwell in 1906; nine during that of J. B. Brookshire; twenty during that of S. P. Higgins. The membership August 28, 1911, amounts to 310, and is as follows : J. B. Attaway, W. T. Simpson, J. N. Williams, Albert Simpson, W. E. Flanigan, Jesse Attaway, W. K. Attaway, Felix Norris, Jas. A. Roquemore, G. W. Wright, N. B. Attaway, D. F. Page, T. C. Flanigan, C. S. Attaway, J. T. Vanderford, John Davis, J. E. A. Puckett, W. T. Hall, Geo. Haynie, S. P. Hall, J. T. Queen, J. A. Boss, J. S. Elliott, L. A. Dalton, J. C. Dalton, R. P. Simpson, Henry Elliott, David Hall, Willie Boss, J. B. Dalton, J. W. Stewart, David Holman, E. D. Murphy, Thos. Reynolds, Marion Nelson, Melvin Davis, Jas. Davis, Thos. Sims, Clarence Sigman, Ped Childers, Luther Attaway, Cliff Elder, K. Tanner, Wm. Murphy, C. B. Parker, Chas. Bowls, Jas. Abner, John Abner, Walker Adams, Wm. Rockmore, Jud. Boss, Pink Williams, Cliff Freeman, Albert Freeman, J. H. Holman, Powers Peppers, G. M. Sims, Spergeon Williams, Offie Flanigan, A. F. Gregory, S. Dowdy, Frank Dowdy, Natie Elliott, J. M. Simpson, J. W. Thomas, Walker Thrasher, L. B. Dalton, Vaston Attaway, John Wheeler, John Coker, Claud Freeman, Cabe Maddox, Luther Bowles, J. W. W. Maddox, John Mosely, G. N. Maddox, W. Comming, B. F. Maddox, Doc Nelson, W. J. Phillips, Atticus Sims, Chas. Nelson, L. Tanner, J. F. Watson, T. Hays, Rich House, Lum Rooks, Lee Hall, Bud Brewer, W. T. Sims, J. W. Reynolds, J. F. Watson, Jr., J. A. Vanderford, J. A. Attaway, M. A. Abner, T. H. Thomas, S. R. Puckett, Rus. Flanigan, A. J. Pierce, Earnest Stewart, C. C. Stewart, W. A. Watson, J. T. Wright, A. L. Davis, W. H. Brewer, A. D. Murphy, J. L. Brewer, J. M. Murphy, A. W. Wright, Marion Davis, H. B. Feagans, J. M. West, J. E. Spivy, John Puckett, Lee Dalton, W. A. Hill, John Dowdy, R. W. Dalton, J. H. Boyd, S. O. Boyd, J. A. Boyd, J. S. Hardy, J. D. Abner, Paul Wheeler, Rufus Wheeler, Willie Rainey, W. H. Attaway, Roy Flanigan, Floyd Hill, Hermon Attaway, Walter Vanderford, Branon Williams, J. T. Flowers, John Haygood, Thos. Holmon, John Brooks, Dan West, S. E. Edwards, E. D. Clark, Roy Castleberry, Boss Bailey, Harvey Clark, Arch House, Joe Edwards, Willie Adams, Julia Parker, Narsis Osborn, F. M. Osborn, Caroline Maynard, Martha Attaway, Elizabeth Roguemore, E. J. Attaway, Mary Williams, S. A. Dalton, Susan Page, Jane Norris, Sarah Manders, Elizabeth Brown, Letie Flanigan, C. A. Elder, C. J. Attaway, N. M. Vanderford, Martha Foster, Josie Attaway, Anna Puckett, Lessie Cross, Sallie Manders, Sarah Skelton, Mary Haney, Julia Hall, Ticia Attway, M. A. Boss, S. T Jackson, Sarah Elliott, Levie Davis, Avy McClayne, Ezra Hall, P. V. Simpson, Della Wright, F. A. Hall, Mattie Hall, Maggie Harrison, Cora Helton, Lizzie Adams, Cinthia Elder, Alma Sigman, Callie Simpson, Maud Williams, Annie Craig, L. L. Murphy, Matilda Elliott, Nancy Attaway, Sarah Davis, Bell Hudgins, Lettie Boss, Siss Reynolds, Sallie Sims, Fannie Vanderford, Josie Abner, Martha Davis, Lizzie Murphy, Julia Watson, Jessie Cruce, Mary Tanner, Susie Page, Lizzie Roberts, Mollie Simpson, Soonie Elder, Ella Williams, Ophelia Coplin, Lula Wood, Jessie House, Uguilla Watson, Mamie Abner, Sudie Woodall, Mollie Haynie, Belle Dalton, Mary Holmon, Odnie Freeman, Luda Adams, Ensie Holman, Mattie Adams, Cora Attaway, Lela Hall, Ella Bass, Azie Rainey, Flora Stancil, Lula Davis, Alma Vanderford, May Chamblee, Maggie Coker, Alma Adams, Carrie Gregory, Mahalie Dowdy, Carrie Dowdy, Plina Dowdy, Pearl Dowdy, Lunar Tanner, Alice Attaway, Martha Coker, Dongie Manders, Medie Pierce, Lela McElreath, M. Johnson, Pearl Freeman, Ada Mauldin, Lillie Thrasher, Marity Maddox, Maud Hall, Ola Wallis, C. A. Maddox, Sarah Nelson, Fannie Cross, Pearl Williams, Lillie Sims, Sudie Elder, Ida Rooks, Mary Bowls, Rilla Hays, Netta Stewart, Mrs. J. F. Watson, Georgia Doster, A. J. Brewer, Josie Reynolds, Cassie Craft, Ella Moseley, Mattie Stewart, Estelle Craft, Sarah Moseley, Floy Attaway, Mary Price, Lena Hudgins, Moene Hays, Ida Hudgins, Bertha Murphy, Lena Hall, Mittie Wheeler Mary Murphy, S. H. West, Martha West, Lessie Williams, Nancy Hardy, Emma Spivy, Mary Puckett, Mary Nelson, Minnie Boyd. Emma Abner, Ganell Castleberry, Mary Boyd, M. M. Jackson, Lizzie Puckett, Margie Adams, Delzenie Day, Nathan Bowls, Tiney Freeman, Lena Murphy, Lovie Haygood, Fannie Bowls, Pearl Rooks, Alice Freeman, Etter Clark, Josie Attaway, Lula Clack, Emma Abner, John Puckett, Mary Puckett, Lela Freeman, Thadis Clark, Lizzie Adams, Willie Adams. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OP ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 8.7 Kb