Gwinnett County GaArchives Church Records.....Baptist Church of Christ Copyright Date 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 28, 2004, 12:18 pm Ebenezer. The Baptist church of Christ at Ebenezer is located in Harbins district, five miles from Dacula, five from Auburn, and seven from Winder. This is one of the oldest churches in the country, it was organized March 28, 1847. In membership, it is the largest Baptist church in the county. It started with a large membership of 48, namely : Caleb Hall, L. J. Knight, John Brown, Burrel Higgins, F. H. Higgins, Charles Ewing, Benjamin Still, M. Higgins, I. L. Brown, Martin L. Knight, Alexander Hall, Thos. Wages, S. C. Brown, Marion Higgins, James Higgins, John Evard, Abel Wright, F. B. Higgins, Wm. Baity, G. W. Sweat, Jess Wages, James Ewing, John McMillian,____ Walls, Jane Hall, Elizabeth Hall, Elizabeth Knight, Mary Hall, Juley Walls, S. C. Brown, Poly Etheridge, Elizabeth Pratt,. Rosanah F. Hall, Mary Kitcrease, Mary T. Brown, Julea Ewing, Lusinda Higgins, Selah Fowler, Amil Higgins, Mary Ann E. Bankston, Jane Wise, Mary E. Brown, Eliza M. Brown, Lelith Higgins, Susan Wages, Sarah E. Wise, Sentha Higgins, and L. Davis. The present church was built in 1882, out of the very best lumber, and is worth $1,500. J. S. Settles, of Winder, is the pastor and has been for the past three years. It has a good Sunday school. Number on roll, 100. W. T. Knight is superintendent, W. P. Carter, E. S. Wages, W. F. Hall, Walter Knight, teachers. This church has been served by ten different preachers: S. B. Churchhill, from 1847 to 1851. J. J. Davis, from 1851 to 1852. Burrel Higgins, from 1852 to 1854. Hartwell Jackson, from 1854 to 1857. Burrel Higgins, from 1857 to 1860. A. J. Kelley, from 1860 to 1862. Hartwell Jackson, from 1862 to 1873. J. T. Robinson, from 1873 to 1875. G. L. Bagwell, from 1875 to 1883. D. C. Simpson, from 1883 to 1885. E. P. Williams, from 1885 to 1887. G. L. Bagwell, from 1887 to 1890. J. M. Williams, from 1890 to 1907. J. S. Settles, from 1909 to present time, August, 1911. This church meets every first Sunday and Saturday before. E. S. Wages is clerk; J. R. Whitley, E. S. Hogans, J. T. Kilcrease, and W. T. Etheridge, deacons. This church has 307 members,, namely: J. C. Drummond, David Crow, J. T. Kilcrease, W. T. Etheridge, E. S. Etheridge, H. A. Rutledge, John Sells, Earlie Crow, J. I. Frachiseur, O. C. Sims, Ed. Crow, E. A. Franklin, R. D. Mobley, Nathan Kilcrease, Jim Crow, John Crow, William Crow, J. S. Higgins, M. G. Hogans, S. T. McClung, J. H. Bowen, S. L. Smith, J. W. Crow, W M. Hall, J. W. Etheridge, F. C. Butler, S. H. Kennedy, T. H. Maxey, G. A. Walls, W. T. Knight, J. R. Whitley, W. D. Butler, J. R. H. Knight, Fint Hall, L. T. Wages, Marion Wages, T. C. Hall, E. S. Wages, J. F. Wages, W. F. Hall, R. R. Higgins, Henry Hall, Duck Hutchins, Jim Braderry, L. J. Philipps, Troy Whitley, W. P. McClung, Will Drummond, Ed McClung, Geo. Price, E. S. Hogans, A. J. Bowen, W. L. Etheridge, M. E. Knight, Will Edwards, S. G. Rutledge, Elis Givens, Lizzie Williams, Robert Myes, George Patrick, John Kidd, Walter Knight, Edgar Philipps, W. T. Clark, T. C. Smith, John Butler, Will Williams, Sanford Drummond, Albert Greeson, Oscar Cheeley, Roy Price, Frank Brady, J. M. Drummond, Herbert Drummond, Taylor Whitley, Culbert Drummond, Mell Drummond, Calvin Kilcrease, Jimmie Kilcrease, Sam Mote, R. N. Bramble, Earlie Pierce, H. H. Etherige, Gertie Drummond. Lou Ashworth, J. W. Bowen, John Butler, G. W. Flymail, Jim Bowen, Howie Landers, Jimmie Crow, Luther Hartigree, Virgil Hogans, Addie Drummond, Colline Higgins, Frances Butler, Josie Pratt, D. J. Wages, Martha Etheridge, Hilda Higgins, Mary A. Wright, Sindy Wages, Nancey Wright, Francis Bowen, N. M. Hall, Lina Bowen, Mary F. Ewing, E. J. Drummond, Sarah Crow, Sintha Gowers, Jane Crow, Gussie Crow, Mary Whitley, Fronie Edward, Lula Hall, Emeline Hall, Mary H. Smith, Has Tate, Disie Rutledge, Nancy Wages, Mary Mize, Jane Edwards, Margret Etheredge, Mary Hartiegree, Eveline Edward, Etta Greeson, Mary Peevy, Ella Cole, C. Higgins, Julia Johnson, S. E. Rutledge, Margaret McDaniel, Olie Holcobrun, Cora McClung, Maggie Crow, Sallie V. Peevy, Jannie Patrick, Cammie Crow, Olie Shockford, Ida Sells, Jane McDaniel, Margie Archer, Collie Barber, Missiaria Crow, Mursy Wages, Addie Smith, Algre Frochieseur, Nancy Kennedy, Martha Walls, Margret Greeson, Rohen Price, M. E. Givens, S. E. Yancy, Epsie Hogans, Henry Etta Etheridge, Matilda Davis, Mauddie Kilcrease, Margia Franklin, Nancy Knight, Marget Tanner, Mattie Wages, Avie Crow, Claud Sims, Mattie Kilcrease, Emmie Hogans, Collie Wages, Lillie Evens, N. J. McDainel, M. M. Patrick, M. F. Peevy, Emma Knight, Anlnie McClung, Lonnie Yancy, Emma Sells, Ella Wages, Ella Hutchins, Rosie Maxey, Mary McDaniel, Mandy Crow, Lula Butler, M. A. Whitley, E. E. Butler, Mattie Knight, Lula Wood, Maud Bowen, Bessie Patrick, A. F. Knight, Addie Hall, Jannie Higgins, Susie Kilcrease, Delphia Hall, Jimmie Hall, Sunnie Hutchins, Pearl Pierce, Josie Biggers, Della Biggers, Sussie Angland, Tishia Bradberry, Sallie Bradberry, Lessie Philipps, Mary Sims, Cora Pool, Fannie Rice, Bertha Knight, Stella Etheridge, Nona Ashworth, Nettie Attaway, Morandy Knight, Bertha Gilbert, E. M. Brody, Annie Moore, Ella Brown, Omie Etheridge, Nancy Drummond, Mary Hogans, Mollie E. Hogans, Effie Kennedy, Jannie Bowen, Linda Williams, Ella Rutledge, Lola Knight, Maud Kilcrease, Mollie Clark, Bertha Philipps, Alma Knight, Ida Knight, Lola Etheridge, Minnie Hall, Bertie Knight, Lola Hall, Nannie Hall, Maudie Drummond, Minnie Greeson, Connie Mosley, M. S. Cheeley, Tavie Cheeley, Lula Hall, Vinie Hall, Ella Morris, Cammie Knight, Mazella Drummond, Mazella Yancey, Lessie Drummond, Desie Drummond, Gertie Mise, Anlee Landers, Minnie Edwards, Janie Kennedy, Lola Kilcrease, Ethel Mote, Mattie Bradberry, Texie Butler, Rocia Drummond, Venie Higgins, W. T. Gilison, Will Patrick, Joe Price, Joe Hall, John Hall, Geo. Hall, Lunie Hall, Emma Hall, Carry Hall, Alma Hall, Gertie Hall, Will Greeson, Bertha Greeson, Merlin Knight, Ada Knight, Ida Knight, J. C. Hall, H. T. Bradberry, A. J. Haymond, W. T. Knight, Andrew Lamery, Vernie Hogans, Linda Edwards, Annie Philips, Japsy Reeny, Lottie Wages, Leo Bigger, Jim Bigger, J. C. Kilgore, Wilish Kilgore, Cammie Crow, Maudie Wages, Alice Knight, Essie Knight, Iloh Bowen, G. T. Bowers, Rubie Hall, Ben White, Mrs. White, Alex Givens, Oscar Crow, James Griffith. The church has been greatly revived this year. It has just closed its meeting. Rev. Frank Jackson has been with the church during the revival. There were 35 additions. Additional Comments: Extracted from: GWINNETT CHURCHES A COMPLETE HISTORY OF EVERY CHURCH IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WITH SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OP ITS MINISTERS BY J. C. FLANIGAN 1911 This file has been created by a form at File size: 7.7 Kb